07 August 2013

INFINITYGLASS Book Birthday | Myra McEntire | Reviews | Giveaway

Happy Book Birthday to INFINITYGLASS!

Infinityglass is the third book in the Hourglass series by Myra McEntire. The first is Hourglass followed by Timepeice. To celebrate the release of INFINITYGLASS, we have a fabulous giveaway to share with you!

The stakes have risen even higher in this third book in the Hourglass series.

The Hourglass is a secret organization focused on the study of manipulating time, and its members — many of them teenagers -­have uncanny abilities to make time work for them in mysterious ways. Inherent in these powers is a responsibility to take great care, because altering one small moment can have devastating consequences for the past, present, and future. But some time trav­elers are not exactly honorable, and sometimes unsavory deals must be struck to maintain order.

With the Infinityglass (central to understanding and harnessing the time gene) at large, the hunt is on to find it before someone else does.

But the Hourglass has an advantage. Lily, who has the ability to locate anything lost, has determined that the Infinityglass isn’t an object. It’s a person. And the Hourglass must find him or her first. But where do you start searching for the very key to time when every second could be the last?

About Myra McEntire:

Myra McEntire has had her nose in a book since she could hold one. She was once caught reading in the shower (true story) and only stopped when her father disconnected the hot water heater. She lives in Nashville, Tennessee, with her husband and two boys.

You can visit her online at www.myramcentire.com or follow her on twitter at @MyraMcEntire

Giveaway Deets:

What can you win:
All 3 books in the series (HOURGLASS, TIMEPIECE and INFINITYGLASS) and a special item…. it’s perfect for a series that’s all about time travel — a “melting” clock that’s designed to “hang” from a bookshelf!

Check out each review for all 3 books in the series:

I have had Hourglass on my shelf at home for a while and I have to say that I am over the moon that I finally got to sit down and read it. Myra McEntire has written a wonderful story. In fact, I think it's so wonderful I can't figure out why it gets less than a 4 star rating on goodreads.com.

Hourglass centers around Emerson Cole whom at seventeen years old feels like a complete head case because she can see things that nobody else sees. She sees apparitions and has been seeing them since her parents death. Her older brother Thomas has been trying to help her for years, finally resorting to hiring a consultant with the Hourglass, a secret organization that specializes in time related abilities.

Michael Weaver makes Emerson feel safe and does everything he can to show her that she is not crazy. Michael and Emerson are just two people who posses the time gene and are known as Travelers. When two Travelers get together, they can move backwards and forwards in time with the help of a little dark matter. But they have to work in pairs and when they pair up there is electricity that fills the air around them. Their connection is so electric it literally blows out light bulbs and any electronics when they touch one another.

Michael needs Emerson's help to go back in time to set right something that once went horribly wrong, but they will have to be extra careful not to set the space continuum out of order. Everything must stay as close to what occurred six months ago as they can.

I'm becoming a fan more and more of books like this. A little science fiction, a little paranormal aspect and throw in a really adorable romance with just enough sizzle between your two main characters to keep your pulse racing and you've got yourself a hit in my opinion. The Hourglass is filled with wonderful characters. Obviously I love Emerson and Michael but we also meet Kaleb, Lilly, Dune and Nate in this story. Each has a wonderful background that gets shared as the series progresses. Pick up Timepiece to continue the Hourglass trilogy and look for my review shortly!

It just keeps getting better and better. I just can't get enough of this story. I was completely blown away when I realized that Timepiece is not from Emerson's or Michael's point of view. It's from Kaleb's point of view. I will say it felt a little strange at first, walking around inside Kaleb's head when we'd just come to fall in love with Em and Michael but this was a nice change of pace.

Kaleb is the tatted up and pierced, brooding bad boy of the Hourglass. He's got a strong heart but when his father died in a fire and his went into a coma, Kaleb turned to tattoos, booze and piercing parlors to deal with his grief. Then he turned to Emerson who fell in love with Michael, Kaleb's best friend. Now Kaleb's father, Liam, is back from the dead after Emerson and Michael's heroic rescue in Hourglass and Kaleb feels like he's still playing second son behind Michael. His father never trusts him with new information and rarely if ever asks his opinion, he just treats him like the child he once was instead of the capable young adult he has grown into.

The Hourglass team is back and they are fighting to repair the space continuum and try to put down Jack Landers in the process. Jack is responsible for all of their troubles but he holds over their heads the fact that he is now able to steal memories from each of them the way he did to Emerson when her parents were killed and likewise the way he stole Kaleb's mother's memories, causing her ultimately to sink into a coma from despair over Kaleb's father's death.

The stakes have never been higher for the Hourglass team. Kaleb ends up having to work with a girl who despises him for trying to put the moves on her at a Halloween party. Lilly Garcia is Emerson's best friend, but she is a feisty little thing who as fate would have it can locate things without seeing them, all she needs is a map. Lilly's locating skills and Kaleb's empathy create a dynamic duo and a force to be reckoned with where Jack Landers is concerned.

I love how the story has progressed from Hourglass. I loved how Kaleb and Lilly work together with their quick with and often playful banter back and forth. Their sizzle is subtle but it is there and I love how they both work it out in their head as to what is happening between them even though they still claim to dislike one another. I love how the team is working harder than ever together to try to right the wrongs with the time continuum and how hard Kaleb is fighting to save his mother's memories and also to protect Emerson from any more of Jack's wrath where her time line is concerned. Kaleb would do anything for his friends and that's what makes him one of my favorite characters in this series!

I am so glad that I read the Hourglass all at once and did not have to wait for any of the books to release because waiting would have made me crazy, that's how much I love this series. Myra McEntire has created such a unique and beautiful story and she makes you feel for each of her characters. Every emotion is there on the page and you're feeling it right along with the characters of her stories.

Infinityglass picks up where Timepiece leaves off. The Hourglass team has just found out that Lily has located the Infinityglass, something long believed to be a myth in the world of Horology. Dune is the hero of our story this time and he has been obsessed with all things relating to the Infinityglass for years. But he's stunned speechless when he finds out that it is in fact not a thing at all but rather a person. Not just any person, Hallie is a seventeen year old girl living in New Orleans who loves to dance and as he later finds out, can transmogrify or alter her appearance at will.

The Hourglass team is lead this time by Dune to New Orleans to protect the Infinityglass from falling into the wrong hands. They must figure out how to activate the time gene within Hallie and figure out how they can harness her power in order to right the time continuum before they all cease to exist.

What a powerful ending and such a fabulous way to wrap up this amazing trilogy. I was reading furiously this morning with bated breath but kept trying to slow down and savor all of the elements that have brought the characters to this time and place. It was a wild ride and I was sorry to see it end but as they say, "All good things must come to an end" and indeed they did. Bravo Myra, I am now and forever will be a fan of yours.

 gives all 3 reviews: 


  1. The ability to time travel would be wasted on me because I wouldn't use it. It's far too dangerous. Even a tiny change can have a large effect and the temptation would be too great once I got there to "fix" something. And I don't want to know the future ahead of time so it'd be useless to me to travel forward in time as well.

  2. That's tough. There are so many things you could do. If I could prevent murders, kidnapping and crimes via time travel, I would.

  3. Thanks for the giveaway! Having the ability to time travel would be cool, but if I tried to change anything in the past, the whole future would be messed up. It would all depend on what I want to change and where I would go; it's cool but very risky. ;)

  4. I'd only go to the past, maybe fix minor things here and there. I've read enough YA dystopian books to be afraid of the future :)

  5. I think I would to a degree. I love Lily's ability, and I think that's how I would use it.

    Unless I could go far back in time toe experience a certain time period that I've always wanted to see. Otherwise it would be wasted on me.

  6. I think I would to a degree. I love Lily's ability, and I think that's how I would use it.

    Unless I could go far back in time toe experience a certain time period that I've always wanted to see. Otherwise it would be wasted on me.

  7. I think I would to a degree. I love Lily's ability and would be willing to use that.

    Unless I could go far back to a specific time period and experience a certain event that I've only heard about.

  8. I would probably want to go see the future :)

  9. I'd definitely use it. Just to look around though, no tampering for me. Thanks.

  10. If I had the ability to time travel I would travel back in time and never marry my ex-husband and finish college.

  11. I would definitely use it. I couldn't resist. I would want to visit all the time periods & lands I read about.

  12. I think time travel could be really fun, but if nothing else Star Trek and Doctor Who have shown me that it can be dangerous - not so much because of creating a paradox, but from knowing that certain things HAVE to happen and therefore I couldn't change them.

  13. I'd travel back in time to see my grandparents one more time when they were both healthy.

  14. Maybe just to go back if I ever made a really huge mistake that I'd give anything to take back. I would only use it sparingly.

  15. Yes I would time travel if only to see how things were back then. I wouldn't try and change anything though.

  16. if i had the ability to time-travel I'd use it to go back to my past. There are some things from when I was still a child that I want to revisit :)

  17. I would go way ahead in the future. Not to anyone I know but to see what things were like.

  18. I would use the ability, but only for observation. I love history, and would love to witness some of the big events in the past. But, I also believe everything happens for a reason, so as much as I'd love to change something, I would like to think I'd resist.

  19. If I could move fluidly through time, I'd love to visit ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece and olden Italy! The time of pharoahs, legends and myths and smexy knights! ;) Id love to see the world through our ancestors' eyes, the architecture and sceneries. :)

  20. I would time travel if I could use it for good deeds and good reasons. Thanks for the giveaway. I really want to read this series. It sounds awesome.

  21. I would probably use it to sight see. but i wouldnt change anything because of the 'cause and effect' thing. thanks for the giveaway!!

  22. I would use it to go back in time to see what it was like a long time ago.

  23. I would use it to dance with my father again.

  24. I would go back to see my beloved dog :( He was my best friend for the first 10 years of my life

  25. I don't think I would use it - I would be too afraid to messing up something in the future while I was in the past.

  26. I think I would go back in time and I would leave a note to my past self telling me to read certain book series even if the first book wasn't that much of my taste.

  27. Yes! I would use it, but I would just want to visit things like Shakespeare's plays and other historical events like that.

  28. I'd love to go and observe without interacting/changing the future.
