29 August 2013

Sylvia Day discusses ‘Afterburn’ and Her ‘Crossfire’ TV series

Maryse from Maryse’s Book Blog recently got to interview the New York Times bestselling Author Sylvia Day about her latest release ‘Afterburn’ and her upcoming ‘Crossfire Series’ TV show via YouTube.
  • Sylvia is asked what she has done to celebrate Crossfire being optioned for TV and she says she hasn’t done anything yet. But she is definitely happy and dancing in the inside.
  • Sylvia states that the produces were fans of the Crossfire series before Lionsgate pick it up. She says they went to Lionsgate saying “We love this series, We want to produce it, Can you acquire this property for us”
  • Sylvia says she is an executive consultant on the project, so that means all the scripts will come to her before they go into production.
  • Maryse brings up Henry Cavill and Scarlett Johansson and Sylvia says they would make a fabulous couple. Sylvia says that both actors would get the physiological drama of the role.
Watch below the full interview:

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