14 August 2013

The Bloggerhood of Traveling Review: Frigid by J. Lynn + Giveaway

Today I am thrilled to bring you this review as part of The Bloggerhood of Traveling Review. We are a group of bloggers that LOVE and Adore Jennifer L. Armentrout. JLA is one of those authors that no matter the circumstance in her life, she puts her fans and readers above it all. So we wanted to say Thanks and show how much we LOVE her. 

Valerie at Stuck in Books contacted us and the rest is history. Anything for JLA! This tour was born out of that awesomeness! This book will travel around to the blogs listed on the banner above being tagged along the way. One lucky winner will get the book at the end of the tour. A card travels with the book, that will be sent to JLA. Here's the tag on the signed book so far:

Frigid #1
Author: J. Lynn (Jennifer L. Armentrout)
Reading Level: New Adult
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Released: July 15th 2013
Available: Amazon | B&N

Summary: For twenty-one-year-old Sydney, being in love with Kyler isn’t anything new. They’d been best friends ever since he pushed her down on the playground and she made him eat a mud pie. Somewhere over the years, she fell for him and fell hard. The big problem with that? Kyler puts the ‘man’ in man-whore. He’s never stayed with a girl longer than a few nights, and with it being their last year in college, Syd doesn’t want to risk their friendship by declaring her love.

Kyler has always put Syd on a pedestal that was too high for him to reach. To him, she’s perfect and she’s everything. But the feelings he has for her, he’s always hidden away or focused on any other female. After all, Kyler will always be the poor boy from the wrong side of tracks, and Syd will always be the one girl he can never have.

But when they’re stranded together at a posh ski resort due to a massive Nor’easter, there’s nothing stopping their red-hot feelings for each other from coming to the surface. Can their friendship survive the attraction? Better yet, can they survive at all? Because as the snow falls, someone is stalking them, and this ski trip may be a life-changer in more ways than one.

When I saw this cover, I knew this would be another bestseller for JLA. Just looking at the cover models, there would be a swoon-worthy guy and the setting was going to be magical in the snow. This book has made a permanent home in my library.

Yes there was and plenty of it to warm up all that snow that was falling outside in the setting of this book. I love to read JLA books when she has no restrictions since its was not a YA book. So the romance is hot and heavy of course since its been pent up between Kyler and Sydney.

Something(s) I Loved:
The mystery/thriller parts written in the story. It wasn't just a book where 2 people hooked up and had some relationship drama, nope. The book gave you a thrill ride, someone is out to get Kyler and Sydney why they are snowed in.

I also liked that we got to read the book from both protagonist. So you got a feel and understanding how both of them really though and what they were keeping to themselves.

This story also felt real, yes the guy is super hot but regardless their our many guys out there in the real world that are hot. It just finding the ones that have a brain to go along with the hotness. But yes, reading Frigid felt realistic and not like I was stuck in a fairy tale world.

Of course! All of JLA books should be automatic buys or downloads.

Jennifer L. Armentrout (J.Lynn) is and forever will be an auto buy author for me. That being said any guy that she creates will go straight to my book boyfriend list. Which let me tell you, is never ending, especially at the rate she writes. Armentrout can do no wrong, how she manages to write so many books within a year is still beyond me.

Sydney and Kyler have been friends since Kyler pushed her away for trying to kiss him (hello she had cooties back then). And in return she forced him to eat a mud pie. Sydney has been in love with Kyler for quite some time, that goes double for Kyler. Only thing is that Kyler is somewhat of a man whore and he has had Sydney up on a pedestal where he knows she is not to be touched. He doesn't want to taint someone as beautiful her. When they get snowed in at his moms ski house in Snowshoe a lot of tension soon starts to surface. Can they fight off what they feel or will they give in? Neither one wants to cross that line because once they do, they know things will never be the same. Do you take that leap and potentially destroy the best friendship you've ever had or do you stand back and let the person you've been in love with your entire life slip right through your fingers?

I love the fact that Armentrout/Lynn decided to switch up the perspective because you have a better understanding of why they each don't want to take that big risk and why they've never actually acted on their feelings. You can also see that their relationship has developed over time and it wasn't just something that happened overnight.

I have no clue where Armentrout/Lynn gets her imagination from because the guys that come out of her mind are to die for. Can we please build a clinic where Jennifer goes to put in their information and they just pop out as clone so we can all have a piece of her wonderful creations? Please!?

Frigid was an absolutely fantastic read with mature and relatable characters that felt very realistic. It doesn't hurt that Kyler was oh so swoon-worthy! I highly recommend putting this on your future TBR.

# 1 NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY Bestselling author Jennifer lives in Martinsburg, West Virginia. All the rumors you’ve heard about her state aren’t true. When she’s not hard at work writing. she spends her time reading, working out, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, and hanging out with her husband and her Jack Russell Loki.

Her dreams of becoming an author started in algebra class, where she spent most of her time writing short stories….which explains her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes young adult paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary romance. She is published with Spencer Hill Press, Entangled Teen and Brazen, Disney/Hyperion and Harlequin Teen.

She also writes adult and New Adult romance under the name J. Lynn. She is published by Entangled Brazen and HarperCollins.


The traveling SIGNED ARC of FRIGID is up for grabs! Enter to win it here.


  1. I adored this book! It was a fun and exciting read! At this point I will read any thing she writes!

  2. I really want to read Frigid, and pretty much everything by Jen.

  3. I love all the other books by Jen! CAn't wait to read Frigid!

  4. Loved the digital- working to get all J. A. books in paper back now!

  5. Loved the story in digital- trying to get all of Jenn's books in paper back

  6. Jennifer Armentrout/J Lynn is my absolute favorite author. Love this book!

  7. I really want to read this book. It sounds really good. Thanks for the giveaway. Tore923@aol.com

  8. I loved Frigid just as I have loved every JLA book I've ever read!

  9. Sounds like a good read. Can't wait!

  10. Jennifer is brilliant!! Its definitely gonna be amazing :D Thanks for the giveaway!
