06 September 2013

Book Blast: Silent Echo by Elisa Freilich | Interview | Giveaway

Today we are excited to put on blast Elisa Freilich's book Silent Echo: A Siren's Tale. Plus Elisa shares with us 5 things we don't know about her. 

SILENT ECHO comes out September 10th from Diversion Books and it's not your typical fantasy: Sirens, Music, and Prophecies!

So Elisa has come onto the blog today to talk about the five things you might not know about her. There is also a prize giveaway below for a chance to win a pack of awesome things including a book purse inspired by the book, an iphone case and other trinkets featuring the beautiful illustrations of the upcoming trailer and a YA book of your choice. Have you seen the sneak peek?


Five things you wouldn’t know about me:
1. When I was about twelve years old, I had still not yet caught the “reading bug”, so my mother, God bless her, decided to infect me – but good! She gave me a copy of Scruples by Judith Krantz which was essentially 500 pages of smut! I swear, I didn’t leave my room all weekend! Ever since then, I have not stopped reading (and thankfully, much of my oeuvre is made up of some higher caliber titles – no offense to Krantz, of course).

2. I literally cannot go a whole week without attempting some kind of craft project. I’ve been knitting and crocheting from a very early age (again, thanks Mom) and for me the more challenging the pattern, the better. But give me a hot glue gun and some random odds and ends and the sky is the limit for me. When I’m really really stressed out, I will spend hours walking around Michael’s, AC Moore or JoAnn just ogling all the stuff. Weird? I suppose, but it relaxes me.

3. I cook fattening. There – I said it. I always struggled with my weight growing up and felt so limited in what I could eat. The only person who never put the kibosh on my eating was my grandmother, Ma, who cooked everything with real butter, whole milk, cream. And now, when I cook for my own family, I do the same. Of course my husband can’t gain weight if he tried and the kids seem to balance everything out with lotsa sports, so so far so good. I’m sorry, I just can’t bring myself to buy skim milk. Life’s too short for skim.
4. I take a bath every day - much like, ahem, Portia. In fact, the bath is such a critical indulgence for me that when we picked out our bathtub, I would go around to stores, lie down in the tub, with a book in hand, to see if it would be comfortable. Luckily, I found “the one” and no matter how pressed I am for time, or how tired before bed, I will always indulge in a boiling hot bath. (Oh, and I just got a waterproof case for my kindle so now I’m an even happier bath-taker!)

5. I am a huge animal lover and constantly regret that our family life is simply too busy to have a pet right now. (We tried and it didn’t work out.) I especially love English bulldogs and Persian cats. Any creature with a flat face and an “I’m the boss here” kind of attitude. So for now I write and read about animals. Leucosia’s beloved Hermes? My dream cat. And I think I’ve read The Art of Racing in the Rain about three times already. One day, my hubby and I will get a dog – he’s thinking St. Bernard – but my heart lies with the bullies…

Haunted by silence, a mute teenage girl is mysteriously given back her voice ... and it is divine.

Rendered mute at birth, Portia Griffin has been silent for 16 years. Music is her constant companion, along with Felix, her deaf best friend who couldn’t care less whether or not she can speak. If only he were as nonchalant about her newfound interest in the musically gifted Max Hunter.

But Portia’s silence is about to be broken with the abrupt discovery of her voice, unparalleled in its purity and the power it affords to control those around her. Able to persuade, seduce and destroy using only her voice, Portia embarks on a search for answers about who she really is, and what she is destined to become.

Inspired by Homer’s Odyssey, SILENT ECHO: A Siren's Tale is an epic story filled with fantasy, romance and original music.

Giveaway is for a prize pack that included an iPhone case, gift card, book purse and choice of YA book. a Rafflecopter giveaway

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