14 September 2013

Book Review: Altered by Jennifer Rush

Altered #1
Author: Jennifer Rush
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Science Fiction/Dystopian
Released: January 1st 2013
Review Source: Purchased

When you can’t trust yourself, who can you believe?

Everything about Anna’s life is a secret. Her father works for the Branch at the helm of its latest project: monitoring and administering treatments to the four genetically altered boys in the lab below their farmhouse. There’s Nick, Cas, Trev . . . and Sam, who’s stolen Anna’s heart. When the Branch decides it’s time to take the boys, Sam stages an escape, killing the agents sent to retrieve them.

Anna is torn between following Sam or staying behind in the safety of her everyday life. But her father pushes her to flee, making Sam promise to keep her away from the Branch, at all costs. There’s just one problem. Sam and the boys don’t remember anything before living in the lab—not even their true identities.

Now on the run, Anna soon discovers that she and Sam are connected in more ways than either of them expected. And if they’re both going to survive, they must piece together the clues of their past before the Branch catches up to them and steals it all away.

This book is about a girl named Ana. She is home-schooled and Her mother died a few years earlier, she only lives with her father. But, as ordinary as that is... her father works for a branch of the government...When she was thirteen she discovered four boys in her basement. Being tested for what? She doesn't know. (Yet!) Skip ahead and her father tells her about the boys living in their basement and she begins to help her father test the boys. she becomes very close with all four boys, Being with them every day. But, being with them she doesn't understand why there being tested. She doesn't think there is anything wrong with them. One day the government officials come to Ana's house to take the boys. The boys fight the officials and, break away from them. They take Ana and, are on a hunt for their real lives and histories. It is then Ana discovers that she is connected to the boys in so many other ways.

I love this book. When I started to read it I could not put it down! There was always a question being asked. But, not always answered... There is so much emotion in this book it's unreal. I could feel every emotion that each character was feeling. Ana, the death of her mother, Rejection, Deep confusion, Anger. Everything that all of them felt I could feel and it made me very attached to the characters. and it made the characters relatable. I think the author did an amazing job at making you really fall in love with all of the relationship's and friendship's in this book. And not only the main character but also, all of the boy's the father even the government. Witch I usually don't feel much empathy for ALL the characters but, I did very much in this book.

When you start to read this book , you think you know what's going on.. or what's going to happen. But, you will get your mind blown no matter what you think is going to happen. The relationships in this book are questioned so many times, they are criticized, they look fake... But, every time they are torn apart there is nothing but, pure love behind every one. This is also a book that by the end of it you will not have all of your questions answered you will be asking questions about your own government. You ask yourself "Could my government ever do this?". You will resent the government in this book because (SPOILER ALERT!) they make a traitor of one of the characters. You will be so conflicted with the love of that character and the anger of his judgment.

I am so glad I got to read this book. I love it! It has just the right amount of every genre. Sify, Love, Action... All of it. Also, the action in this book is very clear and I think that is very important in a book with action. Usually I am really confused by the action. but the author of this book did a great job making it clear what was happening at what time. If you like to be surprised by things this is a book for you to read. Every time that you think you might know what's going to happen... BAM! it takes a turn and you are shocked by everything that happens. I can't wait to read the next book in the series coming out 2014 called Erased.

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