07 September 2013

Book Review: Easy by Tammara Webber

Author: Tammara Webber
Reading Level: New Adult
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Released: November 6th 2012 (paperback)
Review Source: Purchased

Rescued by a stranger.
Haunted by a secret
Sometimes, love isn’t easy…

He watched her, but never knew her. Until thanks to a chance encounter, he became her savior…

The attraction between them was undeniable. Yet the past he’d worked so hard to overcome, and the future she’d put so much faith in, threatened to tear them apart.

Only together could they fight the pain and guilt, face the truth—and find the unexpected power of love.

A groundbreaking novel in the New Adult genre, Easy faces one girl's struggle to regain the trust she's lost, find the inner strength to fight back against an attacker, and accept the peace she finds in the arms of a secretive boy.

I really enjoyed reading this book and absolutely adore Lucas. One can easily fall in love with him.

The story begins the night a stranger, later to be known as Lucas, saves Jacqueline from being attacked. In addition to this event, she was dumped by her boyfriend of three years. Devastated she cannot find herself facing her ex in class and decides to skip for two weeks. Later she realizes no guy is worthy of failing class and tries to catch up. She is connected with the class tutor, Landon, and they go back and forth communicating with one another. Jacqueline finds herself attracted by both Lucas and Landon.

What I like about Jacqueline is that is she is smart, strong and is willing to pretend the “attack” never happened. Not many can do this, pretend. After this event, she sees Lucas everywhere. The attraction and chemistry between these two is undeniable. Then Landon, although they never met, she feels herself connecting with him.

I really enjoyed reading this book. I loved the characters, mainly Lucas. He is the perfect man every girl out there deserves. He is mysterious and dark, polite, strong with a sexy body, smart and most of all very responsible. He is spontaneous and talented. He is very protective of Jacqueline. One of my favorite parts of this book is when he tells Jacqueline he doesn’t want to be the rebound guy. He wants more and expects more, he is very sincere. Like I said, he is the perfect man!

I met Webber at Book Bash and seriously she is incredibly talented. I love her writing style, the way she builds up the story, and the details she provides about her characters. The story deals with a sensitive subject and the way she balances this it’s just extraordinary. If you haven’t read this book, I recommend that you add this to your list.

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