23 September 2013

Book Review: The Girl Next Door by Selene Castrovilla

The Girl Next Door
Author: Selene Castrovilla
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Realistic Fiction/Romance
Released: May 24th 2013
Review Source: Blog Tour

Two teens are forced to make some very grown-up decisions when one of them is diagnosed with terminal cancer, twisting them into an unpredictable nightmare. Best friends since toddler hood, Samantha and Jesse grapple with the realization that they are actually in love. What now? Beautifully written while handling a very heavy topic, Castrovilla addresses the universal question: In a world where the worst can strike at any time, how can we ever feel safe?

This book had my heart from the beginning. The characters and the story were very realistic. Having cancer in the family made this book hit home, though it was very sad it was very well written.

The book is about Samantha and Jesse. They have been best friends ever since Samantha moved into Jesse’s apartment building when they were two. Now they are seventeen and Jesse has come down with a rare type of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. What makes is worse is there is no cure for this type of cancer. Samantha sticks by Jesse’s side through it all.

This book was not only about cancer and the pain one goes through but it also was about teenage love and how they grew past the anger with the universe. This was a powerful read that at times had me giggling but I found myself very emotional throughout. I highly recommend this book; it gives you a new light towards life and the love within it.

OUaT participated in the blog tour for The Girl Next Door last week. You can read all about it HERE and see how SELENE CASTROVILLA TEAMS UP WITH THE AVM FOUNDATION by donating.

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