14 September 2013

Indie-Credible Authors: Destiny Ford | The Devil Drinks Coffee| Interview | Excerpt | Giveaway

Welcome to our stop during the Indie-Credible Authors event. We are excited to be featuring Destiny Ford, author behind The Devil Drinks Coffee. Destiny Ford is Angela Corbett's pseudonym. Today Destiny Ford shared some fun facts for us all to know. 

Q & A with Destiny Ford

OUaT: Tell us how 'The Devil Drinks Coffee' came to be? 
I first started writing this book when I was a teenager. It’s had several incarnations over the years, but it always felt like something was missing and I couldn't put my finger on it. I spent a lot of time rewriting it in different genres with different characters and plots to try and make it work. The one thing that stayed the same through all the versions was that the book was set in a small Utah town. My editor was working on the first book in my YA trilogy, Eternal Starling, and mentioned I had a talent for writing humor. I realized humor was the thing missing from the other versions of The Devil Drinks Coffee. Once I figured that out, the idea for The Devil Drinks Coffee snapped together in my head like a puzzle. I wrote the outline in a few hours and had a first draft done a few weeks later. I love living in the Devil world, and can't wait to finish book 2! 

OUaT: The title of the book is pretty interesting, what made you choose such a title? 
The setting! The Devil Drinks Coffee takes place in a small Utah town. Growing up in religious Utah, I often heard the phrase, “The Devil (does something scandalous, like drink coffee…or Coke).” I thought it would be funny to start each book title with “The Devil” and have the thing the devil does be referenced in the book.

OUaT: What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why? 
There were so many parts of this book that I had fun writing! I loved the interactions with Drake and Kate because I really enjoy their banter. I also loved writing Hawke and Kate. One of my favorite scenes involved an Oreo milkshake. :)

OUaT: What tools do you feel are must-haves for writers? 
Aside from chocolate and coffee? A good network of people who understand what you do and don't think you're crazy when you spend hours talking about fictional people like they're real. Great editors and beta readers you trust are also essential!

OUaT: Do you write with music? Why or why not? 
I use music for inspiration a lot, but I can't listen to lyrics while I'm writing. I do like the background noise though, so a lot of times I use soundtracks. Man of Steel, The Dark Knight, and Stardust are a few of my favorites that I listen to often.

The Devil Drinks Coffee Dream Cast

Drake-Brandon Routh
Kate-Rachel McAdams
Hawke-Chris Hemsworth
Spence-Daniel Sunjata
Ella-Debbie Reynolds
Sophie-Lynda Carter
Damon-Dennis Quaid
Bobby-Zach Galifianakis
Amber Kane-Isla Fisher

Fill in the Blanks with Destiny Ford

A super random factoid about me is: I used to be a ventriloquist. I was obsessed when I was 8 years old and I convinced my parents I could be a professional. I even had a doll named Annie. That obsession lasted about six months.

Some wise words I love are: "Hope strengthens, fear kills." -Karen Marie Moning

A song I always get stuck in my head is: The theme song from Game of Thrones. If I watch an episode, it's the soundtrack to my life for at least 24 hours.

My favorite discovery as of late: The Tudors! I just finished watching the show on Netflix and loved it!

The most relaxing thing in the entire world is: A book, the beach, and ocean waves...with my cell phone and laptop far away at home.

“Why is it,” Drake asked, coming closer to me, “that whenever I think I’m going to spend some time with you, another guy shows up?”
I backed up to move away from him. “Well, that’s not really what happened, is it?” I pointed out. “Spence was already here when you arrived.”
“Is there a reason you invited him?”
“Does the reason concern you?”
He put his hands out and looked at me like I was an idiot. “I’m here aren’t I? So yeah, it concerns me. I thought I was coming over for a family dinner.”
“So did I,” I said. “But then you showed up.”
“I was invited.”
“Not by me.”
He moved closer. I moved another step back. “You know,” he said, pointing at me with an annoyed look on his face. “I saw a video of you today. I knew you wouldn’t listen to me when I told you to stay away from Hawke, but practically having sex with him on the tabletop of a family restaurant with kids in the room is bad manners at best.”
“That’s quite an imagination you have.”
“Have you seen the video?”
“I was there; I don’t need to see the video to know what happened,” I answered, and then took it a step further. “And I can promise you” —I paused, letting the corners of my mouth slide into a sly smile— “I would remember if I’d had sex on the table—especially if the sex was with Hawke.”
Drake scowled and a vein near his temple was so enlarged it looked like it was about to burst. “You could see what Hawke wanted just from looking in his eyes, Katie. And I was watching a grainy cell phone video,” he shook his head. “The Bradford story is dangerous for you to keep pursuing, and so is Hawke.”
My eyes narrowed into slits. “Here’s the thing about me, Drake,” I said. “And it’s probably something you should remember. Write it down if you need to because you might even have to do some research to understand it. I’m not the type of girl who does what she’s told, or gives people what they want just because they want it.”
“Is that so?” he asked.
I nodded.
    “Well, here’s something you should remember, so write it down if you need to,” he said as he kept walking toward me. I backed up until I ran into the countertop and I was literally in the corner. “Hawke’s not the type of man to stop until he gets what he wants.” He moved in until our bodies were parallel and we were standing only an inch apart. The tension was running at an all-time high. I was dangerously close to giving in to my hormones. “And neither am I.”

A cow suicide, a revolving door rescue, and the birth of a bright purple pig are starting to make Kate Saxee wonder if taking a job in her small hometown of Branson Falls, Utah, was such a great idea. As The Branson Tribune editor, Kate covers local news, which, more often than not, involves her accident-prone mom. Nothing truly newsworthy has ever happened in the quiet town until local teen Chelsea Bradford turns up dead in a Branson Falls lake.

The police rule Chelsea’s death an accident, but Kate suspects there’s more to the story—and she’s not the only one. Two of Branson’s most eligible bachelors are determined to help her solve the crime—among other things. But the small town social network is faster than Twitter, and gossip about Kate’s love-life is quickly branding her the Branson Falls hussy.

As Kate learns more about Chelsea, she discovers that plenty of people are trying to cover up the real story behind the girl’s death—including Chelsea’s parents. Now Kate has to juggle work, men, her mom’s most recent disaster involving a low-speed John Deere Combine chase on the freeway, and fend off the Mormons heaven-bent on saving her soul—all while solving Chelsea’s murder. Dealing with this is going to require a lot of coffee, chocolate frosted donuts, Neil Diamond's greatest hits, and a slew of words not on the town approved imitation swear list.


Angela Corbett graduated from Westminster College with a double major in communication and sociology. She started working as a reporter for her local newspaper when she was sixteen and won awards for feature, news, and editorial writing. She has also done freelance writing. In addition to writing, she works as a director of communications and marketing. She loves classic cars, traveling, and listening to U2. She lives in Utah with her extremely supportive husband and their five-pound Pomeranian, Pippin, whose following of fangirls could rival Justin Bieber's.

Angela writes under two names. Young Adult and New Adult titles are
written as Angela Corbett. Adult titles are written as Destiny Ford.

Eternal Starling, Emblem of Eternity trilogy, book 1. Now Available
Eternal Echoes, Emblem of Eternity trilogy, book 2. Coming 2013
The Devil Drinks Coffee, A Kate Saxee Mystery, book 1. Now Available

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