02 September 2013

Read ~ Reflect ~ Review

We are freshening up OUaT a bit. We are adding more details on some post and giving certain old post a new take on them. For the past 3 years that OUaT has been around, every Monday we posted the meme: It's Monday! What Are You Reading? This is the one post we wanted to update or change. So OUaT's Deitre, brainstormed and she came to me with this new idea. I loved it immediately. its going to be called: Read, Reflect, and Review as you can see in the title and in the graphic. So this will be how we liven up Mondays from now on. We hope you like this new change. When you run a site with multiple reviewers, it become so what hard to get everyone information in time for memes, so simplifying was the best way to go. we also hope you are liking our pictures instead of names after our reviews, makes it more personal we think. So without any more explanations, here is our 1st Read - Reflect - Review. Next week you won't get this long explanation, I promise! 

As Readers we know and understand that each book we open whether a physical book or electronic copy takes us to an unknown environment, surrounding and/or world. Some filled with adventure, mystery, fantasy or just deep emotions. Several characters will stick with the reader for a lifetime, while others will barely hold our attention. But it's the life of a Reviewer. We Read, we Reflect, we Review. 

we Read, we Reflect, we Review. 

This week we are reading:

Next will be:

Be on the look out for our reflections + reviews in the upcoming weeks:

So what book title has your attention this week? We would love to know. It might just be one that peaks our interest as well.

Happy Reading!


  1. Josh has just started Confessions: The Private School Murders by James Patterson. I'm sure I'll have to read this one too when he finishes

  2. Hello everyone. This week, I have the pleasure of reading "Addicted to You" by Krista and Becca Ritchie. So far, so fabulous!!

    ~ Reviewer for OUaT

  3. Hello everyone. This week, I have the pleasure of reading "Addicted to You", by Krista and Becca Ritchie. So far so fabulous!

    ~Reviewer for OUaT

  4. Hello everyone,

    This week I will be reading Seige & Storm by Leigh Bardugo
