09 September 2013

{ Read - Reflect - Review }

As Readers we know and understand that each book we open whether a physical book or electronic copy takes us to an unknown environment, surrounding and/or world. Some filled with adventure, mystery, fantasy or just deep emotions. Several characters will stick with the reader for a lifetime, while others will barely hold our attention. But it's the life of a Reviewer. 

we Read, we Reflect, we Review!

This week we are reading:

Next will be:

Be on the look out for our reflections + reviews in the upcoming weeks:

So what book title has your attention this week? We would love to know. It might just be one that peaks our interest as well.

Happy Reading!


  1. These all look so good. But this week I'm finally, finally reading Tiger Lily and if anyone tries to stop me (again) it's going to get messy

    1. Well I hope no one interrupts you again while reading the book.

    2. I get that way about great reads all the time!!! :)

  2. I just finished Ruin by Rachel Van Dyken. It was sweet, but I found it a little unbelievable at times. Still a decent read though.

    1. Not familiar with this title, will look it up. Thanks.
