Who Is? is just a way for OUaT to introduce you to some of our past reviewers and friends that have ventured on their own and have started their own site. So today I'm happy to present Jennifer's book review site: Battery Operated Book Blog. Battery Operated Book Blog fits those readers that are 18-years or older. Jen as we called her, has created a site for those that love to read books with tons of saucy-lemony goodness in their pages. You will still find some YA and NA reviews but that majority will be adult genres. So without further ado, Let's get you to Jen's interview so you can learn more about her and her blog.
Tell everyone about about your site:
Battery Operated Book Blog is an 18+ review site for readers seeking New Adult/Adult Romances and Erotica.

Who is the blogger behind the site?
My name is Jennifer and I am an Army Wife and Mother of two amazing little boys (ages 3 and 1). When I'm not being a Mom, I am an avid reader and always have my nose stuck in a book. My obsession with reading started with Twilight and quickly branched out to all types of YA, New Adult and Adult stories. My true passion is romances obviously, I love a Happily Ever After (HEA), but I now-a-days very much enjoy a super steamy erotic novel too!
The name of you site is catchy, why did you choose it?
I was on the Nicole-Nation Facebook page talking with my girls one night about B.O.B.'s and in the morning I woke up super groggy and had a thought, "Battery Operated Book Blog". So I quickly got up and ran the idea by my husband and a few friends. One friend in particular said, "I can't believe that is not taken yet!" so later that day, Battery Operated Book Blog was born.
You went from being a reviewer with OUaT to now running your own site, what would you say is different?
There are really only two differences now. The first is that I get to blog which before I was just a reviewer. The second is that I get to directly cultivate relationships with authors now and build those connections.
What advice would you give another person that plans to branch out like you did?
Network, network, network! Get your blog name out there and cultivate relationships with other bloggers and authors. That is if you are wanting to see your Likes and Followers increase. But basically, do it because it's what you love, don't just review or blog because you think you're going to get free books. It's not about that. It's about supporting the authors!
If you can have pick any author to interview right now for your site, who would you choose? and why?
Nicole Edwards! I am reviewing a lot of her books right now and if I could think of some really clever questions she has never been asked, she's who I would ask. I got to meet her this weekend and she was so down to earth, sweet and funny! Her husband is also a riot!
What signings or events are you forward to attending?
I just returned from Naughty Mafia Rocks Las Vegas 2013 and hope to attend again in 2014. I am also planning to attend a Chicago Author signing in May 2014.
What are your favorite things about book blogging?
Supporting authors and building relationships with other bloggers.
What are some of your favorite books/series that you have reviewed this year?
Lover At Last by J.R. Ward, Club Destiny Series by Nicole Edwards, Taking Back Forever by Karen Amanda Hooper and Blush by Lauren Jameson.
Who are your book boyfriends?
Luke McCoy & Cole Ackerley (Club Destiny by Nicole Edwards), Andrew Parrish (The Edge of Never by J.A. Redmerski), Nathaniel Luna (The Kindrily Series by Karen Amanda Hooper) and Gideon Cross (The Crossfire Series by Sylvia Day)
What can your new readers expect from your site in the future?
For now they can expect a lot of sexy book reviews and blog tours around those books. In the future I'll hopefully be doing more giveaways as our follower base grows.
Who Is? Rapid-Fire!
Author you have read the most: Nicholas Sparks
Book characters you have talk about the most on twitter: The men of Club Destiny
Biggest book you have read: Breaking Dawn
Happiest book you have read: Because of You
Sexiest book you have read: Temptation
How many books do you own? A Lot
Author on your bucket list you want to meet? Karen Hooper
Jennifer rocks! :) And so does OUaT! :)