27 September 2013

#YALLFEST: Interview with Veronica Rossi

Today we are excited to share with you an interview with one of this year's YALLFEST authors. 

YALLFest will be happening this November in Charleston, SC. It’s one of the biggest gatherings of Young Adult and Middle Grade Author’s in the South. This years Keynote Speakers are Rae Carson and Veronica Roth. Event will take place Saturday, November 9th 2013.

Veronica Rossi


Every week – they are releasing interviews with authors, and today’s interview is with Veronica Rossi. Here’s what the author had to say…

Q: What is the hardest line to write- the first or the last?
A: Yeah, those. And all the ones in between!

Q: Best writing tip you ever received?
A: $5. Just kidding. Um… tip… I think it’s probably to allow yourself to suck when writing early drafts. It takes away a lot of the fear of generating good material. It’s not easy to be creative when you’re judging your work.

Q: Tell us 5 random facts about yourself.
1. In the past year, I discovered a deep love of Brussel sprouts
2. I talk to myself. Heck. Sometimes I argue with myself.
3. I’m arguing with myself about including that last point at this very moment.
4. My favorite animals are elephants.
5. Dresses with pockets make me happy.

Q: Where's your favorite place to write?
A: I usually work in my home office, but I love working in hotel rooms. No distractions!

Q: What are you working on now?
A: Something I’m very excited about! Can’t divulge any details yet, but it’s an idea I’ve been mulling over for years.

Check out Veronica Rossi's books:


For more information on YALLFest, visit their website – yallfest.org

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