14 October 2013

Book Review: Trust in Me by J. Lynn

Trust in Me
Wait For You #1.5
Author: J. Lynn (Jennifer L. Armentrout)
Reading Level: New Adult
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: October 22nd 2013
Review Source: Edelweiss/William Morrow

It's Wait for You as you've never seen it. Trust in Me lets you in on Cam's side of the #1 New York Times bestselling story.

Cameron Hamilton is used to getting what he wants, especially when it comes to women. But when Avery Morgansten comes crashing into his life—literally—he finally meets the one person who can resist his soulful baby blues. But Cam's not ready to give up. He can't get the feisty and intriguing girl out of his head.

Avery has secrets, secrets that keep her from admitting the feelings Cam knows she has for him. Will persistence (and some delicious homemade cookies) help him break down her barriers and gain her trust? Or will he be shut out of Avery's life, losing his first real shot at the kind of love that lasts forever?

One name: Cameron Hamilton. The fictional character we all dream of, the perfect boyfriend. Finally, we are able to get into his head and get to know his secrets. He is swoon worthy!

Trust in Me is everything we read about in Wait for Me but in a better version – Cameron’s point of view. From the very beginning he set eyes on Avery, he begins to charm us. “Shortcake”, I loved how he nicknamed Avery with something he loves. I love how we get to read about his first reaction when he sees Avery - we get a lot of his thoughts and feelings. I enjoy reading how he appreciates and love his parents and what they share as a married couple. I love his mom and dad. I adore how his dad advised him to persist in chasing after Avery – “… if you don’t have to chase a woman, she’s probably not worth the effort.” (from Uncorrected Digital Galley)

One of my favorite parts of this book, although sad, is when Cam breaks up with Avery. We get to read how truly Cam feels about her. The way his heart breaks to see her hurt but at the same time how her lack of trust is hurting him. Double the heartbreak! I just couldn’t deal with his pain. Another favorite is when he says he will marry her someday and at the moment his world suddenly burst into lights from the truth of his words.

Truth to be told, I really enjoyed this version better than the original. Cameron truly cares about trust and he wants something his parents share. He sincerely believes with trust anything can be possible and this is all he ask of Avery. We really get to know him better in this book and to me that made it worth the read. Jennifer is a goddess for meeting my (I am sure of everyone’s) expectations. Cameron is one tough guy to top with all his swoon moments.

I received an Advance Copy from William Morrow via Edelweiss. Thank you.

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