21 October 2013

Countdown to #Allegiant: It's the Eve before Allegiant is Officially Out!

Its almost time everyone. In less than 24 hours #Allegiant will be out nationwide. For those catching up and rereading the series, hurry up. For anyone who hasn't started this series, now would be the prefect time to begin reading the Divergent series. You will have all 3 books out and can read back to back without having to wait for a book release.

Those attending midnight release parties, HAVE FUN! Can't wait to see pictures on twitter or Facebook. Don't forget those that are able to watch, at 11:59pmEST on the Divergent Page, Veronica Roth will read the 1st chapter of #Allegiant. I for one will download it at midnight to begin reading, I have a feeling tonight will be a long night of reading.

In case you missed it this weekend,  a new quote was released:

What a quote that is, huh? OMG!!! What could possibly change things FOREVER?

In celebration and countdown to Allegiant I plan to tweet all day long different quotes from Divergent and Insurgent. 

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