
Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Was "Forced" to Read

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.

Top Ten Books I Was "Forced" to Read (either by teachers, friends, other bloggers, book club) -- doesn't necessarily have to be a BAD thing. Could be required reading, yes, but also book club, or just super enthusiastic friends "making" you read something!

• Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma 
(thanks to a book club, I finally gave in and read this book which I now consider one of my all time faves)
• Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J. K. Rowling 
(I kept promising a friend I would at least read the first book and I finally did but that's where I stopped)
• Captured by Erica Stevens 
(highly recommend by a friend and when its pimped out that hard, you  know you have to read it and I LOVED it.)

• Waterfall by Lisa T. Bergren (highly recommend again by a few friends)
• On Dublin Street by Samantha Young (I finally gave in to reading even though someone else had reviewed on the site because the friend kept telling me to read it)

Yes I only posted 5 because that's all I can remember at the moment. Check out some of the other Top Ten post and you will see more books listed. 

Tell me one book you highly recommend for everyone to read???


  1. I have Forbidden to read soon, and I'm so excited to start it. I've heard a lot of good things about it.

  2. I loved "On Dublin Street" and "Harry Potter". Great list!

    Tsuki’s TTT

  3. I loved Waterfall and On Dublin Street.

  4. I was hesitant to read Forbidden but wow it's a great book. One of my favorites as well.

  5. I was also forced to read Forbidden, but by the Blogosphere. That book, it broke me. I loved it!

    Great list!
    Here's My TTT

  6. I just read a review of Forbidden and that person loved it too. I may have to check that one out. ~Pam

  7. Forbidden is one of my all time favourite books, I am the review Pam above is talking about - she seemed uncertain at first but, yay, I think we may be slowly forcing her to read it! My TTT


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