25 October 2013

#YallFest: Interview with Lisa McMann

Today we are excited to share with you an interview with one of this year's YALLFEST authors. 

YALLFest will be happening this November in Charleston, SC. It’s one of the biggest gatherings of Young Adult and Middle Grade Author’s in the South. This years Keynote Speakers are Rae Carson and Veronica Roth. Event will take place Saturday, November 9th 2013.

Lisa McMann

Lisa McMann on Facebook Lisa McMann on Twitter Lisa McMann on Blogspot Follow Me on Pinterest

Every week – they are releasing interviews with authors, and today’s interview is with Kami Garcia. Here’s what the author had to say…

Q: What one thing do you need to have when you write?
A: Silence.

Q: Best writing tip you ever received?
A: “Think of the one thing your main character would never, ever do. Now make her do it.”

Q: What are you working on now?
A: We’ll be ramping up the releases of books 5, 6, and 7 in the Unwanteds series, so I’m working on Unwanteds book 5 right now.

Q: What is your favorite genre to write in? To Read?
A: I really enjoy writing in a variety of genres, from realistic to paranormal to dystopian fantasy. At the moment, fantasy is winning, but that could change at any moment. My favorite genre to read is memoir.

Q: At what point in the development of an idea do you know that it will become a full-length novel?
A: As soon as I have a one line concept that gives me a little shiver.

Check out some Lisa McMann's books:


For more information on YALLFest, visit their website – yallfest.org

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