06 November 2013

Book Review: Sweet Thing by Renée Carlino

Sweet Thing
Author: Renée Carlino
Reading Level: New Adult
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Released: August 20th 2013 (reprint)
Review Source: Atria Books

Mia Kelly thinks she has it all figured out. She’s an Ivy League graduate, a classically trained pianist, and the beloved daughter of a sensible mother and offbeat father. Yet Mia has been stalling since graduation, torn between putting her business degree to use and exploring music, her true love.

When her father unexpectedly dies, she decides to pick up the threads of his life while she figures out her own. Uprooting herself from Ann Arbor to New York City, Mia takes over her father’s café, a treasured neighbor­hood institution that plays host to undiscovered musicians and artists. She’s denied herself the thrilling and unpredictable life of a musician, but a chance encounter with Will, a sweet, gorgeous, and charming guitar­ist, offers her a glimpse of what could be. When Will becomes her friend and then her roommate, she does everything in her power to suppress her passions—for him, for music—but her father’s legacy slowly opens her heart to the possibility of something more.

Sweet Thing was a fantastic read; I cried, laughed, swooned and boy was I downright angry at times. I haven’t read a book in a while that brought out all of my emotions like this one did.

The book started off with Mia Kelly in the airport headed to New York City to run her recently deceased father’s diner. You start off from the beginning just loving Mia because of her kindness and witty humor. I felt as if she was real from the get go. Mia helps a woman out in line with her kids and then when she is getting comfy in her seat on the plane is when we meet Will Ryan. Seeing that Will is afraid of flying, Mia helps this aspiring musician relax through the ride to New York City. They hit it off from the beginning but Mia never realized how much.

Mia not only runs her father’s diner but she lives in his apartment as well. She ends up running into Will again and offers him a room to rent. He takes her up on her offer and moves in. Will ends up helping Mia not only with rent but is a genuine friend that helps her through the emotions of her father suddenly dying and just life in general. There is a very strong pull between the two that is undeniable but Mia is just so stubborn!! Why Mia, WHY??? 
Will isn’t the only friend that Mia has to lean on. The ladies at the diner not only are her friends but are indeed a family away from home. They kept Mia grounded and were a part of her father that Mia needs in her life.

This book was not only a romance but a story of loss, gains, friendships, self-discovery and last but not least, family. I couldn’t put it down. I absolutely loved how the characters were so realistic and how the book had this glorious flow to it. I can’t wait to see what Renée Carlino has in store for us next!!

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