
Blog Tour: Angel Fever | L. A. Weatherly | Fill in the Blanks | Spotlight | Giveaway

Welcome to our stop on L. A. Weatherly's ANGEL FEVER blog tour. This tour is hosted by Book Nerd Tours and schedule can be found here.  We are excited to share some fun fill in the blanks that Weatherly filled out for all of us.

Fill in the Blanks L. A. Weatherly Style:

The best surprise ever would be: being whisked off to Paris
Getting married to my husband :is my most favorite memory. Awesome day.The hardest, but most worthwhile thing I've ever done was: Completing the Angel series while going through various health issues
The best part of my day is: Sitting down at my computer with a cup of coffee
Something I like that most people don't is: Doing the dishes. It gives me time to think through what I’ve written that day.
Something I am willing to fight for is: cruelty to animals
Something you might not know about me is: I was a total tomboy growing up.
I am: five feet four inches tall
I would trade needing sleep for more hours in a day in a heartbeat.Something I have been challenged with lately is: a knee injury that’s keeping me from exercising
A super random factoid about me is: I have slightly crooked fingers
The last thing you would ever expect me to like (even though I secretly do) is: Musicals. I’m not even secretive about it. I will sing ENTIRE SCORES for you at the drop of a hat. (I can’t sing.)
Some wise words I love are: “Don’t get it right, get it written.”
A song I always get stuck in my head is: ‘Drip Drip Drop Little April Showers’ It’s in your head too now, isn’t it?
Roses are red and book characters are: too real for their own good
My favorite discovery as of late: the word ‘sherbet’ has only one R. THIS BLEW MY MIND.
First thing that came to me about writing: passion
Best cure for a bad day is: Sing loudly and dance around the room.
My favorite thing to do on a Friday is: have a leisurely candlelit dinner with my husband, then watch a movie together
Happy ever after is: really possible
Angel Fever: Hooray! It’s finally out in the US.
I write because: I love it and can’t not write
I have always: been a spoiled youngest child
I hope to: help other writers who are just starting out
I can: make a whistle out of a blade of grass
I dream of: mountains of dark chocolate
The way to my heart is: honesty, humor and kindness
I am passionate about: stories
I am proud of: having hiked the Grand Canyon
This month I will: get to see Angel Fever published in the US.
A secret dream I have is: to go to Kenya
I can't handle: mind games or people who aren’t straightforward
The most annoying thing in the entire world is: being stuck in traffic when you have to be somewhere
The most relaxing thing in the entire world is: getting a foot massage with the lights down low
I think everyone should: experience living in a different country from the one they were raised in
When I was 5: I had a Teddy bear named Junior
When I was 15: I went to Mount Saint Mary’s High School and wore a hounds-tooth checked skirt
When I was 21: I lived in Eugene, Oregon
Across the pond: Is where my home is. Second lily-pad to the right.
I like: my life
A life goal of mine is: to still be writing when I’m 90
Most mornings you will find me: drinking coffee in my pyjamas
Right now I am super into: Game of Thrones

Angel Fever by L. A. Weatherly
Angel Series #3
Released: November 26th 2013
Publisher: Candlewick

As half-angel Willow strives to save the world from her parasitic otherworldly kin, romance and tension heat up to a climactic finale. 

In the devastated remains of the world, millions of people live in "refugee" camps provided by the angels who have all but enslaved humanity. As this angelic stranglehold tightens, Willow and Alex are recruiting and training new Angel Killers while struggling to hold ground on the celestial battlefield. But Willow continues to have feelings for Seb, and her love and resolve are tested as a shattering revelation sends Alex on a separate journey. Now that the final battle versus the angels is about to begin-and the fate of the world hangs in the balance-each of them must face the consequences of their own choices. Will love endure? Will the human race survive?

You can purchase Angel Fever at the following Retailers:


L. A. Weatherly is the author of the bestselling Angel series, as well as almost 50 other books for children and teenagers. She’s originally from Little Rock, Arkansas, and lives in Hampshire, England with her husband. Her books have been translated into over 10 different languages.

3 Winners will receive a Copy of Angel Fever by L.A. Weatherly.
5 Winners will receive a Surprise ART Bookmark by James Vallesteros.

3 Winners will receive a Willow Fields and Alex Kyler ART Bookmark by James Vallesteros
Must be 13+ to Enter
International Giveaway

1 comment:

  1. I loved this interview. I loved the format; it allowed readers more insight into you than we might have otherwise gained. I like your life philosophy, and agree with so many points. If only I can remember when I'm having a bad day to turn on my music and sing loudly and dance my heart out - I know it will make me feel better. My daughter and I always used to dance while I cooked dinner. It was a beautiful time for us. I am going to use your life philosophy to help me jump start my own writing. Thank you for the inspiration.


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