Welcome to our stop on the Vivian's List blog tour for Haleigh Lovell. The tour is hosted by GCReading Blog Tours.
Vivian's List
Author: Haleigh Lovell
Reading Level: New Adult
Genre: Erotic Romance
Released: October 4th 2013
Review Source: Blog Tour

Her brother's best friend. A sexual bucket list. An erotic love story.
Vivian Sorenson is in a verbally abusive relationship. When her boyfriend, Brody, calls her "frigid" and "boring ol' vanilla," Vivian finally ends the toxic relationship and embarks on a journey of sexual self-discovery.
Liam Sykes has known Vivian all his life. She's his best friend's little sister and she's always been off-limits. When he happens upon Vivian's sexual bucket list, he crosses that forbidden line. Soon it becomes more than just sex as Liam picks up every jagged little shard of Vivian's shattered heart and pieces it back together, replacing it with a piece of his own.
** This is book 1 in a two-part series
This is a very nice, feel good love story. Vivian is a young, independent and kind hearted woman. She is in a horrible relationship with a man named Brody. I don't know that I've ever disliked a character as much as him. He disrespects her, verbally abuses her and is just down right mean. Vivian only sees that he loves her. She takes his possessiveness as a term of endearment. She doesn't see the abuse, she only sees a relationship.
In walks Liam, her older brothers childhood best friend. He is tall, dark and gorgeous with a body to die for. Liam is in the Army and on leave. He is staying at Vivian's house to help her with the lawn, the pool maintenance, repairs, you name it. He promised her brother that he would look after her. After all ... They all grew up together.
Liam sees the way that Vivian is treated and doesn't like it one bit. He tries telling Viv that she is being abused and deserves better. Since Vivian doesn't see it, she fails to accept it. This alone breaks Liam's heart, because his mother went through the same thing.
After a huge blow up with Brody, who calls her sexually rigid ... Vivian makes a list. A sexual list that she vows she will complete. As she is off in her bedroom trying to cross off an "adventure", Liam walks in on her. He walks away and into the living room, and he comes across this list. Knowing how much he cares for her (and possibly loves her), he agrees that he shall be the one to help her complete her list.
The two embark on a wonderful journey of love and lust. They find solace in one another. A very beautifully written story, with erotic touches. Thank you for a great read Haleigh Lovell. You have made sex into a great story. A+ in my book!!
Haleigh received a B.A. in Journalism and a B.A in Sociology. Despite training as a journalist and a sociologist, Haleigh soon found she preferred making up her own stories--stories with heat and heart.
An expert at the art of procrastination, Haleigh is easily distracted by food and can often be found snacking on Flamin' Hot Cheetos, Pringles, Kit Kat bars, Toblerones and sushi.
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