
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Characters I'd NEVER Want To Trade Places With

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.

Top Ten Characters I'd NEVER Want To Trade Places With 
  • Lisbeth Salander from The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo written by Stieg Larsson : This is one character I do not envy at all. The ordeals she has to endure are horrific. 
  • Cathy Dollanganger from Flowers in the Attic written by V. C. Andrews : Not much explaining why I wouldn't want to be in Cathy shoes. No fun in being locked up in an attic or years. 
  • Susie Salmon from The Lovely Bones written by Alice Sebold : The fact that she witness her own murder and is stuck in this "between" without passing on, SUCKS. 
  • Adele from Labor Day written by Joyce Maynard : If you read the book you don't actually know her thoughts but from her son's retelling of his life, his mother sounds like she should have been committed. 
  • Consuela from Luminous written by Dawn Metcalf : I just do not have any desire to be like Consuela, the fact that she just take soft her skin and the things she does when that take splices. Yea, no desire to be in her shoes or should I say skin. 
  • Alaska Young from Looking for Alaska written by John Green : I do not envy Alaska charters, she is just way to depressed for my tastes. 
  • Anita Blake from Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter series : The fact that Anita sleeps around like a slut because she just can't control it, no thanks. 
  • Stephen from Invisibility written by Andrea Cremer and David Levithan : Poor guys gets cursed even before he is born and ends up being invisible. I would hate to go through life like that. 
  • Waverly Marshall from Glow written by Amy Kathleen Ryan : To be forced and pretty much held hostage so that you can be forceful impregnated or have children, is a big NO NO in my book. 
  • Nora from Memento Nora written by Angie Smibert : I do not want to be a part of a world where you have to take pills to forget memories. Not a happy place for me. 


  1. Great list! I definitely agree with Lisabeth, her life was pretty =S and the things she went through were even crappier =S I don't know how she was able to persevere the way she did...

    Thanks for dropping by my TTT

    Lianne @ caffeinatedlife.net

  2. Cathy and Anita Blake are perfect choices for this! I was ok with Anita for the first few books and then it was all just TOO MUCH. Cathy.. well that's pretty obvious o.O So much therapy would be needed o.O Great picks!
    Chelle @ The Passionate Bookworms

  3. Yup! Those are some rough lives to lead. I'm laughing at Anita Blake being on your list. Those are interesting choices, but yeah, her life might be easier if kept the hormones under control a bit more. ;) Cool list!

    Mary @ My TTT

  4. Oh man, YES, STEPHEN!! I did love the first half of that book, though, and how he was dealing with his invisibility. And having a superpower of invisibility could be awesome. But I'd never want to be permanently invisible. That would seriously suck.

  5. I agree, Cathy from Flowers in the Attic- not a great character to trade places with!

  6. Being Invisible sounds cool, but not for life!!! Only if you could do it for spying purposes and then go back to norm. I also would NOT want to be Lisbeth or anyone locked in an attic getting it on with my brother!! Just NO!!!

    My TTT

  7. Great list! I did worlds, rather than characters, but even so, Lisbeth Salander is a good one. Didn't think of her. Thanks for stopping by my blog! :D

    My TTT

  8. Nice list! From your list I´ve only read Looking for Alaska and I liked it.
    Here is My Top 10 Tuesday

  9. I've only read Looking For Alaska from your list, but I really enjoyed that one lol. It was perfection for me. Although I loved Alaska as a character because she was so flawed, I wouldn't want her life either. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog!


  10. I hope I'm not spamming you with comments, I don't think my first comment went through. If it did you can totally ignore this comment lol. I've only read Looking For Alaska from your list, but I love that book lol. It was perfection for me and while I loved Alaska's character I wouldn't want to be her. I wouldn't want to be in such a dark place.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  11. The Lovely Bones is a good one. I saw If I Stay on someone else's list, which is the same idea of being stuck between life and death and that just terrifies me. Great list!

  12. I definitely wouldn't want to be Lisbeth Salander or Susie Sammon. Great choices, I didn't think of those.

  13. Nice list! I definitely could never be Lisbeth. What she goes through us beyond anything I could endure.

  14. Oh man, I completely and totally agree with you about Lisbeth Salander and I'm surprised I didn't think of her to add her to my list. She was dealt a hard lot in life for sure! Great choices and thanks for stopping by!

  15. Lol I wouldn't want to be Alaska either. I always thought she was a bit weird. Being depressed and dying definitely don't sound like fun. Great list =)


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