26 February 2014

Blog Tour: Taking Something | Elizabeth Lee | Review | Giveaway

Welcome to our stop on the TAKING SOMETHING blog tour for author Elizabeth Lee. This tour is hosted by InkSlinger PR. Today we share with you guys our review plus the tour goodies.

Taking Something
Give Me Something #2
Author: Elizabeth Lee
Reading Level: New Adult
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Released: February 16th 2014

I know what you’re thinking. “You were such a jerk, Nick!” Believe me, I know I screwed up the best thing I had going in my life, but that was kind of my thing. I’d learned how to run cons before I could even form complete sentences, and I’d always been selfish. But I changed. Lila forgave me, my brother and I were getting along, and I was trying to make a name for myself in the music world.

At least that was what I was trying to do when I negotiated my way into the recording studio with pop superstar Sadie Sinclair. I thought it would be a piece of cake—charm my way into her heart and into her record label’s good graces.

Just when I thought I had it all figured out, I got mixed up in a web of lies, manipulation, and deception. A web that had me questioning my motives and desires altogether.

Was the fame and fortune really worth the price?

This is story of boy loves girl, boy loses girl, boy finds another girl.

Nick Kline is a bad boy DJ ... A ladies man, so to speak. Nick is wanting to become the next big record producer. All he needs is for a bigwig to notice him, to believe in him. He finds a chance to speak with THE man (Hollace Westwood), who can supply him with this chance to make it big. Nick knows that if he can get Hollace to give him an opportunity, he'll be golden. The Gods must have been looking down on him, as he is given a chance to produce one the biggest recording artists in the industry, Sadie Sinclair. She is the epitome of fabulous. She's gorgeous, famous and loaded. He knows that he can use his persuasive, smooth moves to make her his, and he will be on top of the world. He figures being her second half will only help his career.

In comes Sadie's personal assistant, Gia Grayson. Nick sees something in her, something intriguing. Gia never seems happy though, and she always puts on a brave face in front of Sadie to help pump her up when she is in the studio. Since Nick had this feeling that there was more to Gia, he digs and finds out that she used to be an epic recording artist who had the means to be huge. Gia could have surely surpassed Sadie. Why in the world would she give all of that up?

Who does Nick end up with, if either one? Does he find out the reasons behind Gia dropping out of the recording industry? What does life have in store for these three? Does Nick find the fame that he was looking for?

Find out for yourself and pick up a copy of Taking something. This is the second book in this series, with Give Me Something (currently free on Amazon), being the first. They are definitely built to be able to read as stand alone's, as I did. I did not have the opportunity to read give Me Something, and I don't feel as if I missed anything. Please enjoy this book, it's a great read!

About the Author:

When I'm not writing or playing the part of wife and mother, you can find me dancing back-up for Beyonce, singing back-up for Miranda, or sunning myself on the beach with a drink in hand. Here's the thing about being born and raised in a small town—you have a very vivid imagination! Now, I channel it all to create stories where the girl always ends up with the right guy, first kisses are magical, and a happy ending is just that!


  1. I don't have a favourite genre! I read a little bit of everything! But you can see some of the books I like to read here: http://olivia-savannah.blogspot.nl/2014/02/a-high-wind-in-jamaica-book-review.html

  2. Thank you for the great review, Michelle! <3
