27 February 2014

Book Review: No One Else Can Have You by Kathleen Hale

No One Else Can Have You
Author: Kathleen Hale
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Mystery
Released: January 7th 2014
Review Source: HarperTeen

Small towns are nothing if not friendly. Friendship, Wisconsin (population: 689 688) is no different. Around here, everyone wears a smile. And no one ever locks their doors. Until, that is, high school sweetheart Ruth Fried is found murdered. Strung up like a scarecrow in the middle of a cornfield.

Unfortunately, Friendship’s police are more adept at looking for lost pets than catching killers. So Ruth’s best friend, Kippy Bushman, armed with only her tenacious Midwestern spirit and Ruth’s secret diary (which Ruth’s mother had asked her to read in order to redact any, you know, sex parts), sets out to find the murderer. But in a quiet town like Friendship—where no one is a suspect—anyone could be the killer.

In a town with a population of 689, well now 688, where everyone knows everyone it's no surprise that a horrific murder puts everyone on edge, and makes everyone a suspect. At least that's what Kippy, best friend (ex-best friend?) to , feels. Who can she trust in a town full of small minded people? It's up to her to get the FACTS and solve the case.

First of all let's give a huge congrats to Kathleen Hale on her debut novel, No One Else Can Have You. *Applauds* Well done, Hale. I truly enjoyed this book. And, by enjoyed, I mean it have me all the necessary feels a mystery should give. Frustration being at the top of the list. (The sheriff holds a special spot on my "do not like" list.)

I wouldn't be surprised if in the future this book gets picked up for a show or movie. It was so many of the factors that a film should have. I literally felt like I was watching a show the entire time I was reading (which by the way I finished in one day). The characters are perfect, and weird. The plot is fantastic, and the setting is creepy enough!

The only thing I do think it needed more of, was backstory. Backstory on the killer. I mean, I understand why he/she killed, but a little more light on the killer would have been better. It's a small thing though, I still really liked this book!

Hale takes you on a chilling thrill ride throughout this mystery that you do not want to miss!

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