21 February 2014

Friday Author Spotlight: Courtney C. Stevens

Friday Author SPOTLIGHT! We will feature a Young Adult, New Adult or Adult Author. These post will contain interviews, author posts, book blasts, fill in the blanks, etc... This is just our way to get authors noticed and out there as much as possible. So we hope you enjoy and stay tuned Fridays to see who we have on and what they shared. To see previous posts click here.

Today OUaT is happy to feature Author Courtney C. Stevens. She is the author of Faking Normal - An edgy, realistic, and utterly captivating novel from an exciting new voice in teen fiction. Faking Normal is set to be released this upcoming Tuesday, February 25th 2014.

Author Courtney C. Stevens

About the author: Courtney C. Stevens grew up in Kentucky and lives in Nashville, Tennessee. She is an adjunct professor and a former youth minister. Her other skills include playing hide-and-seek, climbing trees, and being an Olympic torch bearer.


OUaT: Describe your book in five words.
The truth set us free.

OUaT: What’s the best thing about being a debut author?
Meeting people I wouldn’t have met without this fantastic opportunity.

OUaT: What inspired you to write a novel with such a sensitive topic?
I did a critique at the LA SCBWI conference and an editor pushed my fantasy manuscript back across the table and said, “This is fine, but where is the novel you have to write. I want to read the novel only you can write.” Best hundred bucks of my life.

OUaT: Regarding Bodee's hair, where did you get this idea from? I had a friend in high school that used to do this. I was wondering if you got this idea from a friend?
Believe it or not, a guy in high school, who had a locker near mine, did this. I always admired him for being so brave with blonde hair.

OUaT: Did you grow up with a treehouse? If so, was it your safe spot? Who built it for you?
You win the blogger award for the question that no one has asked me yet. Awesome. Yes, I did have a tree house. In fact, I had three. My granddad built me one on his property, my dad built me on ours, and my best friend and I built another one my junior year of high school. I love them. If I didn’t live in an apartment, I’d build one right now. And yes, the very nature of a tree house is fort-like, defendable, and safe, and I certainly felt all of those things when I was perched in mine. I also waited for mail to come to my mailbox, which was fastened down below, but alas, no one ever wrote.

1 comment:

  1. Great interview! I use to know a couple of kids who dyed their hair with Kool-aid too, and my brother did it for a while when I was really little.
