17 February 2014

Quick-fire Book Review: Being Sloane Jacobs by Lauren Morrill

Being Sloane Jacobs
Author: Lauren Morrill
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Science Contemporary
Released: January 7th 2014
Review Source: Purchased

Meet Sloane Emily Jacobs: a seriously stressed-out figure-skater from Washington, D.C., who choked during junior nationals and isn’t sure she’s ready for a comeback. What she does know is that she’d give anything to escape the mass of misery that is her life.

Now meet Sloane Devon Jacobs, a spunky ice hockey player from Philly who’s been suspended from her team for too many aggressive hip checks. Her punishment? Hockey camp, now, when she’s playing the worst she’s ever played. If she messes up? Her life will be over.

When the two Sloanes meet by chance in Montreal and decide to trade places for the summer, each girl thinks she’s the lucky one: no strangers to judge or laugh at Sloane Emily, no scouts expecting Sloane Devon to be a hero. But it didn’t occur to Sloane E. that while avoiding sequins and axels she might meet a hockey hottie—and Sloane D. never expected to run into a familiar (and very good-looking) face from home. It’s not long before the Sloanes discover that convincing people you’re someone else might be more difficult than being yourself.
At a Glance:
So I love reading sad books and after I like to read a fun sweet book to balance my emotions. So when I saw the cover and read the synopsis, well this felt like the right book to read at the moment.

I love it. This is such an adorable cover and I am a sucker for cute covers!

Sports. I love sport. I love ice skating. I love watching the Olympics and ice skating is one of the events I enjoy the most. I love watching a good hockey game live. Every year I attend at least one hockey game. If you haven’t I highly recommend it. Nonstop action when it comes to hockey. This book has both sports.

I liked both Sloane Jacobs. They are both different yet they both learn something from this switching role. Although the story is predictable, you learn that sometimes taking unplanned steps can take you many places. These girls learn to embrace their skills in different ways and this helps them grow.

This is such a cute and adorable story. The romance is suitable for a YA contemporary book.

Something I loved:
I was looking for a fun and cute story to read and this book delivers this. It was perfect for me at the moment. Also, this book reminded me so much of “The Parent Trap”. I can watch the movie every time is on TV and never get tired.

Would I recommend it?
This book will not WOWyou but if you are looking for something cute and fun, then you should pick this book!


  1. I didn't really want to read this book but then you said the magical words The Parent Trap! I love that movie and watch it every time it is on tv and I also watch my dvd copy a lot. I should invest in more than one copy.
    Thanks for the great review now I really want to give this one a try :)

  2. This sounds like a modern, sports-related Prince and the Pauper! I'm glad you had fun reading this one. :)
