20 March 2014

Blog Tour: Blood Crown | Ali Cross | Review | Giveaway

Blood Crown
Author: Ali Cross
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Science Fiction/Fantasy
Released: February 28, 2014

Review Source: Blog Tour

Summary: About BLOOD CROWN: Androids have claimed power over what remains of the human race. They rule without remorse. They are the Mind and humans exist only to serve them.

But it wasn't always so.

Before the android uprising, select droids, called Servants, were pivotal in engineering a new human race with nanotechnology enhanced DNA. The Blood Crown theorum was to be humanity's crowning glory and the key to their survival in deep space.

But Serantha, Daughter of the West, was the last female to receive Gifts from her Servant and when the Mind mutinied, she was hidden away, and presumed dead.

Without Serantha there is no hope of the Blood Crown being realized so Nicolai, Son of the East, abandons his crown to join the rebel forces. He might not provide the future for his people he had once dreamed of, but he will not go down without a fight.

When Nicolai discovers Sera among a small compliment of kitchen staff, everything changes--but Sera's Gifts were never completed and she is ill-equipped to face a legion of androids determined to wipe her, and every other human, out of existence.

Their only hope is the Blood Crown--but even if Serantha and Nicolai can realize their potential it may be too late to save mankind.

Space travel, protector, mankind, soul mates, who can ask for anything better in a storyline?  As a reviewer I can truly say that I have my favorite genres to read.  Science fiction/fantasy hasn't been at the top of my "to be read" pile in a very long time.  What caught my attention at first glance, was the detailed cover.  The dark background with the prominent two people looking ahead.  To what exactly?  A new life?  Changes in humanity?  Or simply searching for answer.  

What do you do when your world is changed forever?  The path you were destined to take is blocked by obstacles that you can't seem to get by.  The person you were destined to be with, is no longer in existence.  Lastly, the life and world you once knew is now in jeopardy.  Blood Crown grabbed me at the very first chapter.  The events were vivid and the scenes painted pictures in my mind that immediately took me to their world.   Any writing that grabs and tugs at me from the very beginning is great sign that major awesomeness is on the way.  

I enjoy the writing shift to multiple points of view in a novel, something many authors are leaning towards.  Ms. Cross has done it right with Blood Crown.  There are many moments of heartache, pain, passion, but above all determination.  Nothing about this storyline is predictable.  Blood Crown is a unique read, and that's what I love about it.  The main characters Serantha and Nicolai are on a mission.  You will want to hear their story.  You will want to live it.  Will they embrace the challenge and continue to keep their true life locked away as the place they once knew crumbles?  Or will they except the challenge to awake and face the what lies ahead?    

Ali Cross is the sensei of Novel Ninjutsu where she holds a black belt in awesome. She lives in Utah with her kickin' husband, two sparring sons, one ninja cat, one sumo dog and four zen turtles.

Ali is the award-winning author of young and new adult fiction and moonlights as Alex Cross when she can write wild middle grade adventures set in the faraway places of her imagination.

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  1. I participating the release day party on Facebook for this one and it looks so good! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

  2. Thank you so much for this wonderful review Deitre! I'm so glad you enjoyed the book. And your blog is beautiful! So creative and unique. I love it! Thanks for sharing a bit of your real estate with me today!
