10 March 2014

Blog Tour: Faces On My Wall | Jesse Wilson | Giveaway

Faces On My Wall Blog Tour


A coming-of-age story and a comedic tour-de-force, meet Jamey Fuller, a cocky California kid who achieves his wildest ambition: admission to The Juilliard School in New York City, the country's most prestigious acting school. Once there, he is sure, he will find fame and glory. He will dance on tables, as in "Fame." He will take his place among the Great Actors of his time, freed from the fear of becoming just like his father, a director of Hollywood TV spots. But the reality proves hilariously brutal, as Jamey grapples with Shakespeare, lust, disillusionment, cut-throat classmates and imperious teachers. FACES ON MY WALL is a privileged glimpse into the bizarre hidden world of an actor's training, a poignant father-and-son story, and the chronicle of a young man's painful gropings toward maturity.

Faces On My Wall: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes | Kobo

I remember like yesterday, the moment that my drama teacher, Mr. Mascaro, handed me a monologue.  Told me to learn it, to feel the characters, to own the piece.  I took his advice.  I did it.  I felt the characters.  I was the characters, transformed to someone else.  I was in the 9th grade and the rest is history.  The arts have been in my blood, my heart, and passed on to students that I've had a hand on.  I never went off to college hoping to one day be a famous actress.  But what I learned and took with me was a passion and the power of speaking.  I see this new passion of the Arts in many students today.  New opportunities.  New experiences.  More goals.  More attention to the Arts.  Which is a powerful shift in the structure of education today.

Faces On My Wall, is one student's journey.  It speaks to you.  This is a true coming of age novel of that journey.  A student's hopes and dreams are on the line.  He has one chance to present himself, his monologue, his transformation for others to see.  For others to evaluate and critique.  For someone else to change his life forever.  The road is not an easy one.  Just think though, when is it ever?  So this time, you are the actor, the reader, you are Jamey, as he goes down emotional and challenging paths of a road he longed for.

It isn't enough, to just read this book.  Research the author, Jesse Wilson.  Dive into his story.  There is more than just the word on the pages of, Faces On My Wall.

About Jesse Wilson
Jesse Wilson is a motivational performer, professional speaker, author, teacher, and visual artist. A life-long involvement with theatre and film as both performer and writer began early, growing up in Hollywood, CA. A theatre graduate of The Juilliard School in New York City, Jesse developed material for his one-man shows that have been performed across the country. His solo production, Face the City, written for high school and college audiences, combines visual and animation projections in a multimedia presentation of a young artist's journey to find his voice in the "real world." His children's book The Night the Moon Ate My Room! written and performed for young audiences to experience self-discovery, is created with the support of The Kennedy Center’s Imagination Celebration and Pikes Peak Library District. Integrating the arts and especially the powerful tool of improvisation, a program that Jesse has developed entitled “Making Perfect Mistakes!” helps people (like educators, business owners, at-risk teenagers, and every one else a part of the human race!) overcome the pitfalls of perfectionism that so often hinder the creative mind. Please visit his website at www.jessewilsonproductions.com for more information on what Jesse Wilson is doing in the “community at large".

Author Links: Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

  a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. this book sounds very powerful and thought provoking. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Sounds very interesting. Life sometimes forces us to leave our dreams behind.

    1. And sometimes when we least expect it, that dream may catch up with us. Maybe not as we initially hoped for...but just maybe.

  3. Poor kid! It's so hard to find yourself when your that young! I remember my teenage years, just awful and so confused!

    1. Then slowly we start to find ourselves. And embrace who we are and then truly begin living.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Wow, what an amazing story. I love the "Making Perfect Mistakes!" program--I suffer from striving for perfection, and it's great that someone is recognizing the pressure put on students nowadays.
