19 March 2014

Blog Tour: Gilded | Christina L. Farley | Review | Giveaway

Welcome to our stop of the blog tour for Gilded written by Christina L. Farley. This tour is hosted by Elana's Blog. Today we share our 4 star review plus much more.

Author: Christina L. Farley
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Fantasy
Released: March 1st 2014
Review Source: Blog Tour

A Korean god. An ancient curse. Can she escape becoming GILDED?

A girl with a black belt and a deadly proclivity with steel-tipped arrows discovers an ancient Korean god has been kidnapping the first-born daughters of her family for generations. And she’s next.

Sixteen-year-old Jae Hwa Lee is a Korean-American girl with a black belt, a deadly proclivity with steel-tipped arrows, and a chip on her shoulder the size of Korea itself. When her widowed dad uproots her to Seoul from her home in L.A., Jae thinks her biggest challenges will be fitting in to a new school and dealing with her dismissive Korean grandfather. Then she discovers that a Korean demi-god, Haemosu, has been stealing the soul of the oldest daughter of each generation in her family for centuries. And she's next.

But that’s not Jae’s only problem.

There's also Marc. Irresistible and charming, Marc threatens to break the barriers around Jae's heart. As the two grow closer, Jae must decide if she can trust him. But Marc has a secret of his own—one that could help Jae overturn the curse on her family for good. It turns out that Jae's been wrong about a lot of things: her grandfather is her greatest ally, even the tough girl can fall in love, and Korea might just be the home she's always been looking for.
Believe me when I say this, Gilded is not my typical read. Truth be told, this book took me a while to finish. At first, I found it very hard to get into. And only because I am not a fan of high fantasy, let alone of urban fantasy. But I promised myself earlier this year that I would be open to genre I normally wouldn’t read. Gilded is one of them and I am glad I did.

Even though I had a hard time getting into the story at first, what allowed me to continue reading this book is the way the world was built. I liked how as the main character, Jae, discovered this new world, we pretty much are discovering it too. It’s like looking through her eyes. See, Jae is cursed to marry this evil god from another world and is destined to live in this world. She starts discovering this when she moves to Korea from the USA, in which her grandfather was against it from the beginning. Jae always thought her grandfather didn’t like her but then she uncovers the truth – living in Korea activates the curse. And finally she discovers her grandfather just wants to keep her safe. Unfortunately, her father thinks his father is crazy and doesn’t believe him. Therefore, Joe is stuck in Korea with only days left to be alive in this world.

Jae is not your typical teenager girl. She is headstrong and is determined to fight back. I really like this about her. She is not the type of girl that wallow her sorrow… She is willing to change her destiny and fight back against the unknown. I also enjoy reading about her love interest, Marc. Even though at the end he reveals something important to Jae, I really did like him.

Overall, Gilded was a fun read – something new for me. I really end up liking this story. I love the message - do not let anyone else take control of your life. You and only you is capable to decide your own destiny. With this said, I think anyone that is willing to give Gilded a try will end up enjoying it.

CHRISTINA FARLEY, author of Gilded was born and raised in upstate New York. As a child, she loved to explore, which later inspired her to jump on a plane and travel the world. She taught at international schools in Asia for ten years, eight of which were in the mysterious and beautiful city of Seoul, Korea that became the setting of Gilded. Currently she lives in Clermont, FL with her husband and two sons—that is until the travel itch whisks her off to a new unknown. Gilded is her first novel. For more details, check out her website at www.christinafarley.com. Christina holds a master’s degree in education and has taught for eighteen years. She is represented by Jeff Ourvan of Jennifer Lyons Literary.

An amazing contemporary fantasy that explores the vast legends of Korea, this richly detailed novel kept me turning the pages well into the night. Jae Hwa starts off as a strong character and ends as a noble one, using both her brains and her brawn to win the day–she’s exactly the kind of girl YA literature needs.
~from Beth Revis, NY Times Bestselling author of Across the Universe series

"Farley brings South Korea's fascinating culture and mythology into vivid detail in this shining debut, and Jae is a compelling heroine. An exotic, thrilling read, GILDED had me utterly entranced!"
~from Jessica Khoury, author of ORIGIN and VITRO

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