06 March 2014

Blog Tour: Sing Sweet Nightingale | Erica Cameron | Review | Giveaway

Welcome to our stop on the SING SWEET NIGHTINGALE blog tour for Erica Cameron. This tour is hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Today we share our 5 star review plus much more.

Sing Sweet Nightingale
The Dream War Saga #1
Author: Erica Cameron
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Fantasy | Paranormal
Released: March 4th 2014
Review Source: Spencer Hill Press

Mariella Teagen hasn't spoken a word in four years.

She pledged her voice to Orane, the man she loves—someone she only sees in her dreams. Each night, she escapes to Paradise, the world Orane created for her, and she sings for him. Mariella never believed she could stay in Paradise longer than a night, but two weeks before her eighteenth birthday, Orane hints that she may be able to stay forever.

Hudson Vincent made a pledge to never fight again.

Calease, the creature who created his dream world, swore that giving up violence would protect Hudson. But when his vow caused the death of his little brother, Hudson turned his grief on Calease and destroyed the dream world. The battle left him with new abilities and disturbing visions of a silent girl in grave danger—Mariella.

Now, Hudson is fighting to save Mariella's life while she fights to give it away. And he must find a way to show her Orane’s true intentions before she is lost to Paradise forever.

Sing Sweet Nightingale is a fantastic story about Hudson and Mariella and the demons that have them trapped in paradise, a world they visit in their dreams. Hudson had pledged to his dream "angel" NEVER fight again and that cost him his brothers life. He then realized these dream "angels" aren't what they seem to be. They are evil and soon after he fights his off he starts having dreams or premonitions of a girl he's never met. Mariella. She's pledged her voice to Orane, her dream "angel." She hasn't spoken a word years and has fallen in love with Orane. He then promises her he's found a way to keep her in paradise forever and will allow her to stay with him. Sing Sweet Nightingale takes you in Hudson's journey of trying to save Mariella and Mariella's journey of trying to stay in paradise.

Two words: FREAKING AMAZING. I loved this story, idea, characters, plot, concept and just everything SO much. Sing Sweet Nightingale is written in both Hudson and Mariella's point of view, which is perfectly set up. The story is unlike anything I've ever read. It was both awe-like and terrifying. Awe-like in the sense that I was fascinated by every single word on every page. Terrifying in the sense that it was kind of dark. These demons are creepy, let's be honest I will not be accepting any invitations into paradise soon! HA. Erica Cameron struck gold with this fantastic, well-written novel.

This has been the easiest five stars I've ever given. *Sitting here patiently (pfft! more like anxiously) awaiting the next installment! I'm beyond thrilled that this will be a saga! Do yourself a favor and pick up your copy of Sing Sweet Nightingale then come fangirl over it with me! I guarantee you will not be disappointed!

About Erica:

Erica Cameron knew that writing was her passion when she turned a picture book into a mystery novella as a teen. That piece wasn’t her best work, but it got her an A. After college, she used her degree in Psychology and Creative Writing to shape a story about a dreamworld. Then a chance encounter at a rooftop party in Tribeca made her dream career a reality.

Erica is many things but most notably the following: writer, reader, editor, dancer, choreographer, singer, lover of musical theater, movie obsessed, sucker for romance, Florida resident, and quasi-recluse. She loves the beach but hates the heat, has equal passion for the art of Salvador Dali and Venetian Carnival masks, has a penchant for unique jewelry and sun/moon décor pieces, and a desire to travel the entire world on a cruise ship. Or a private yacht. You know, whatever works.

Her debut novel Sing Sweet Nightingale releases March 4, 2014 from Spencer Hill Press. It is the first book in The Dream War Saga.

Erica is represented by Danielle Chiotti at Upstart Crow Literary. However, for subrights inquiries on Sing Sweet Nightingale, contact Rebecca Mancini at Rights Mix. Regarding publicity for The Dream War Saga, contact Cindy Thomas.

Giveaway Details:

2 finished copies of the book, plus a grand prize basket! US Only.


  1. This sounds great and I can't wait to get my hands on it :) cover is awesome!

  2. This is a creative twist on some dream worlds. This sounds absolutely wonderful. I have questions that can only be answered by reading the book. I need to win...

  3. I really love the cover, and the book sounds wonderful.

  4. I'm currently reading this and I am absolutely loving it. I may have had a nerdgasm when I read about Xena. Hehe. Great review!

  5. I'm totally sold on this after that blurb! Adding to the TBR immediately :)

  6. This book is definitely one to put on the to-read list.

  7. I am crazy about this cover, and the book just sounds darn good! I love the Dream World, and I am very curious as to what mine would look like!

  8. Gives me goose bumps!! Sounds like a great read!!

  9. Thank you so much everyone! I hope that you all enjoy it as much as Bianca did! :D

    And didn't Jeremy West do SUCH a fantastic job on the cover?! It's genius, really.
