28 March 2014

Book Review: Frozen by Erin Bowman

Taken #2
Author: Erin Bowman
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Dystopia
Released: April 15th 2014
Review Source: HarperTeen

The Heists were only the beginning.

Gray Weathersby escaped from the primitive town of Claysoot expecting to find answers, but what he discovered shook him to the core: A ruthless dictator with absolute power. An army of young soldiers blinded by lies. And a growing rebellion determined to fight back.

Now Gray has joined a team of rebels on a harsh, icy journey in search of allies who can help them set things right. But in a world built on lies, Gray must constantly question whether any ally—or enemy—is truly what they seem…

Frozen is a remarkable sequel of Taken. This book has it all – adventures, betrayal, and fights!

At a Glance:
Taken ends when the gang will soon be departing for a trip to visit the unknown and I couldn't wait what Frozen had to offer. With Frozen, this book picks up right where the group takes off to head west to find alias to help them fight against Frank’s evil plan and his Forgeries.

The cover is as stunning as the first. Look at the trees and the frozen water and reflection. I am not sure if this is accurate but before starting, I kept staring at cover. I don’t know it felt weird. I don’t know what it was but there was something that kept catching my attention. I just couldn't figure it out.

Not long of starting the book, there is one part that made me stop and go back to cover – which really isn't giving any clues or anything pertaining to cover but... Maybe, I don't know, if you put the book upside down that may not be a reflection. The girl's "reflection" is kind of different along with the guy's. Part of this book is that not everyone around is who you think they are. So yeah, it makes you wonder, well it makes me wonder.

When it involves adventures, action is always involved. Discovering a new section of the unknown world can bring certain battles to survive. And this book has it all. From sea to land battles.

Gray has joined forces with the rebels and takes an icy journey in search for alias. In this journey, he learns to take leadership, question everything, and uncovers the truth about some of his teammates.

As mentioned on my first review – Taken, I am not a fan of triangle love. This is my only issue with this book. You see Gray struggle between his first love, Emma, and his new and crazy love with Bree. I love Bree but that chick is crazy! Unfortunately, we come to learn about something, I promise no spoilers, but I didn't see it coming. Then again, I did wonder after over thinking over the cover.

Something I loved:
Sue me, but I loved my reaction while I figured out the cover. I started to come up with some theories and for some parts I was right. After what we learned on the first book, I wonder if we were going to get to see some of these Laicos Project – which is the main goal of the team to stop these replicas. And we do get to see them... But what I loved most about this book is how Bree takes control of herself. She gets sick and tired of not moving on and I don’t blame her, Gray was sometimes giving her hope. But I loved how she stands up for herself!

Something I didn’t like:
If you think you love someone but then you think you love someone else, then I don't think you are in love. I think you are just confused. I didn't like how Gray kept these girls from moving on. He was giving both hope. He couldn't figure out what he wanted and it backfires.

We come to learn something important at the end of this book and this will make it impossible for the group to conquer the war. I am looking forward for the last book and see how it plays out. I want to know who will betray who in the next installment…

Would I recommend it?
Yes! There is lots of action, mystery and betrayals! I love how the characters grew while they learned about their new world. What else is there to ask?

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