20 March 2014

Book Review: Love Like the Movies by Victoria Van Tiem

Love Like the Movies
Author: Victoria Van Tiem
Reading Level: Adult
Genre: Contemporary
Released: February 24th 2014
Review Source: SIMON & SCHUSTER's Pocket Star

In this irresistible romantic romp, movie fanatic Kensington Shaw is thrown into love—Hollywood-style—when her gorgeous ex presents a series of big screen challenges to win back her heart.

What girl wouldn’t want to experience the Pretty Woman shopping scene? It’s number two on the list. Or, try the lift from Dirty Dancing? It’s number five. One list, ten romantic movie moments, and a handful of shenanigans later, Kenzi has to wonder . . . should she marry the man her family loves, or risk everything for a love like the movies?

Love like the Movies is one of the most adorable books I have ever read! Kensington Shaw has her life on track, she’s engaged, has a good job, and soon will be starting a family, up until her ex-boyfriend shows up. Kensington wants that ultimate romance that you witness in romantic comedy movies and she wonders if her fiancĂ©e will be her ultimate happy ending. When Kensington’s ex-boyfriend comes into the picture and makes her remember all the greatest moments from the best romantic movies for a project at her job her life gets thrown for a loop.

This book was so incredibly entertaining and so adorable! It made me fall in love with all these movies again and fill up my Netflix queue. I would love to see this book become a movie and become a classic romantic comedy. Kensington gets taken through recreated scenes from her favorite movies with her Shane Bennett, her ex swoon worthy boyfriend. This book is so gush worthy and I kept smiling, laughing, and even saying “whaaattt” the entire time. I don’t want to give too much away about this book because it really was entertaining every page and all the recreation of the movie scenes throughout the book were perfect you just have to read it.

Yes, yes, yes you have to read this! It’s so fun and entertaining and just straight adorable. So if you’re a sucker for any kind of romantic comedy (80’s/90’s style) this book is for you. And this book really needs to get optioned for a movie, pretty please!

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