17 March 2014

Book Review: Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover + Giveaway

Maybe Someday
Author: Colleen Hoover
Reading Level: New Adult
Genre: Contemporary Romance | Music
Release Date: March 18th 2014
Review Source: Atria Books

From #1 New York Times bestselling author Colleen Hoover, a passionate tale of friendship, betrayal, and romance.

At twenty-two years old, Sydney has a great life: She’s in college, working a steady job, in love with her wonderful boyfriend, Hunter, and rooming with her best friend, Tori. But everything changes when she discovers Hunter's cheating on her—and she is left trying to decide what to do next.

Sydney becomes captivated by Ridge, her mysterious neighbor. She can’t take her eyes off him or stop listening to his playing his guitar every day out on his balcony. And there’s something about Sydney that Ridge can’t ignore, either. When their inevitable encounter happens, they soon find themselves needing each other in more ways than one…

From the author of the New York Times bestsellers Slammed, Point of Retreat, Hopeless, This Girl, and Losing Hope, Maybe Someday is destined to be another bestseller and long-lasting fan favorite.

When Maybe Someday arrived in the mail I already knew who would read it and review on the site. That would be Leydy that has read every single book written by Hoover and reviewed them. Leydy absolutely loves Hoover's books and fan girls all the time about her books. I myself have met Hoover at a signing and loved her persona. She is awesome! I did end up buying all her books that day and got them personalized but put them up on my bookshelf so they wouldn't get damaged. I knew Leydy had read them so my old rule came into effect about not reading something that already been reviewed on the site. And with Maybe Someday I was planning to go same route. Let Leydy read it and gush about it.

Well not this time. Before I put the book back in an envelope for Leydy, I read the summary in the back of Maybe Someday and was immediately hooked. I knew I had to read it myself. Music captured my interest. If you know me you'd know I love everything and anything associated with music. So I put the book I was currently reading to the side and began reading Maybe Someday. That first night I stayed up till 3am reading but forced myself to put it down so I could pace myself and absorb every detail in the book. In total I took 3 nights to read and I am so proud of myself for enjoying it by stretching it out. Because folks Maybe Someday is that book you do read in one sitting if you let yourselves read nonstop. It's phenomenal, no other word needed to describe it.

I can't wait to share this book with Leydy because I know she will be floored like I was with Maybe Someday. I'm going to have to bring down from my shelves Hoover's other books so I can read all of them. Hoover's writing is beautiful. The way she delivers all the feelings in her prose, not too many can't deliver like she has with me. If one can be in love with a book then Maybe Someday has done that for me. I fell head over heels in love with this novel and I know who ever else reads it will be just as affected as I was.

Ok I guess I should actually talk about the book now (because I can sit here and write all day and night how much I LOVED this book).  Before I talk about that story, I want to point out, I read a ARC of Maybe Someday, so I did not have all the music perks that everyone will have on release day. I now have heard songs and read post about the music behind the story and fell even harder for this book. You will want to discover the music while you read because trust me, its will make your reading experience one of a kind. So excited for you all to read this book.

Maybe Someday follows the story of Sydney and Ridge. These two didn't know it but they were destined to finally meet. Sydney is coming off a horrible break up from her boyfriend that cheated with her roommate and well Ridge just happen to make it a bit easier for her by inviting her to live with him and his roommates in his apartment that happen to be across from Sydney's old apartment. Strangers until that moment but they had already been sharing music and text just before everything happen with the cheating boyfriend. Sydney is not prepared when she discovers something she never imagined about Ridge. Ridge has a girlfriend but its hard to deny the power of love and music. When these two musicians get closer with their music, fireworks will explode and your heart will forever have raised the bar. This book is what love is about. Its not always easy and normal but when its true love its the most powerful emotion you can experience.

My favorite part of this book is when Ridge demonstrates to Sydney how he experiences the music, be prepared to be swooned to the 10th power. The feeling you experience must be the equivalent of when Cupid shoots you with his arrow. Vavavoom!

Update: Before this review posted on OUaT, Leydy was able to review the book too. So below you can read what Leydy thought of Maybe Someday too. If I didn't convince you, I know she will. Happy Reading!!!

Let me tell you a secret. I have a mad crush on Colleen. She’s a goddess to me. Before starting this book, I had no clue as to what it pertain to. I avoided any teaser or anything that involved taking a peak at this book. All I knew that this will be amazing as its cover – after all Colleen is a masterpiece, so no need to prepare for it since she always WOW me. With this book… well she never fails. This book was gut-breaking and beautifully written. Seriously, Colleen likes to spoil me.

When Yara told me she received this book, I was happy dancing, but I begged her not to tell me anything LOL. But it was so hard, staying spoiler free. One thing is skipping Colleen’s emails another is having a friend read it before you! This is my most anticipated book of 2014 (besides Ugly Love, also by Colleen), so when she finally received this book from Yara, I was pretty much just staring at it the rest of the day at work.

Forget sleep, I stayed all night reading Maybe Someday. And avoiding spoilers was all worth it! I was a puddle of emotions finishing this book.

Move aside Holder, there is a new guy in my heart. Okay, not really, don’t move, just make some space, because Ridge is worth claiming! Anything hotter than a guy playing a guitar? I think not! Just thinking about him playing that instrument – all the feels! See Ridge is in the level of Holder. Both are amazing guys with tender hearts. Respectful. Loving. Caring. But Ridge, is special in a way – very unique from other characters. Moments before this was reveal, I was thinking of it but when it was finally revealed… OMG I was still surprised, I just couldn't believe it. Seriously Colleen always does the unexpected. I just loved everything of this story...

I adore Colleen, her writing and her characters. She always delivers powerful stories and I always fall for them. She writes nothing but perfection. Seriously, if you haven’t read any of her books, I will come and hunt you down! I highly recommend Maybe Someday along with her other books. Trust me, you won’t regret it. *now to wait for Ugly Love – sigh*

Colleen Hoover is the New York Times bestselling author of Slammed, Point of Retreat, Hopeless, This Girl, Losing Hope and Finding Cinderella. In December 2012, The New York Times wrote about the New Adult phenomenon, mentioning Colleen Hoover's NYT bestseller, Slammed. She was interviewed by the Associated Press for a news article and featured in the nationally broadcast show ABC Nightline, (aired in February 2013) where she spoke about her books and her writing process. She was interviewed on CBS This Morning, which aired in May 2013. Colleen lives in Texas with her husband and their three boys. Please visit www.ColleenHoover.com.

Griffin Peterson is a songwriter and artist living in Nashville. After his run on American Idol, he graduated from Belmont University and has been concentrating on releasing his first EP. Griffin and Colleen collaborated on her previous title, Losing Hope, on which Griffin graced the cover. Now he brings his musical talent to accentuate Colleen’s pages. You can find him on twitter @GriffinPete or visit his website at www.griffinpeterson.com.

Paperback copy of Maybe Someday written by Colleen Hoover

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