06 March 2014

Book Review: Searching for Beautiful by Nyrae Dawn

Searching for Beautiful
Author: Nyrae Dawn
Reading Level: New Adult
Genre: Contemporary
Released: March 4th 2014
Review Source: Entangled Publishing

Before, Brynn had a group of best friends, a loving boyfriend, a growing talent for pottery. She had a life. And after…she had none.

When Brynn lost the boyfriend who never loved her, the friends who feel she betrayed their trust, and the new life just beginning to grow inside her, she believes her future is as empty as her body. But then Christian, the boy next door, starts coming around. Playing his guitar and pushing her to create art once more. She meets some new friends at the local community center, plus even gets her dad to look her in the eye again…sort of.

But can Brynn open up her heart to truly find her life’s own beauty, when living for the after means letting go of the before?

This is a Young Adult title.

The first thing I want to say about this book is that I loved it. This book really hits home with you when you read from the beginning to the very end. You feel like your best friends with the main character Brynn or your just a fly on the wall seeing everything happen to her. I never had anything like this happen to me in high school. But I have known some friends that went through these things that she does. The author wrote the book really well like it happened to her in high school.

I would recommend any girl to read this book from 6th grade and up. After reading the book I think they would be more careful and not get into the whole peer pressure and actually know that sometimes when guys tell you something doesn't mean it's the truth. Well Brynn the main character of the story falls for a guy that is so much older then her. She falls in love with him and she believes every word that he ever says to her. Jason the guy that she falls in love with pressures her to have sex with him and tells her things that she I have heard from all the guys that I have ever dated. When your reading it you think to yourself I have heard that line before in my lifetime. Then you feel so stupid that you fell for it. That's what I want to teach my children about guys. Well back to the story. Brynn finds out that she is pregnant and she tells Jason that she is. He tells her she better get rid of it or else. I didn't like Jason from the beginning. He reminded me of a lot of the boys in school and they were scumb bags. Brynn finds out what it feels to be alienated in school by her friends and even her father.

I want to keep going but I don't want to ruin all the great things that are in the story. You find out so much information from page to page but in the end they all come together and you will love it. It's a great book and I highly recommend you to read it. If you even have a daughter or your friend has a daughter I would recommend that they read it also.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with your review Tiffany! This book really grew and improved the further into you got, and I gave it a 4 stars earlier this week; I really did enjoy it. Your review is simple, straightforward and to the point, very honest too. Good going Tiff :D
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