21 March 2014

Book Review: Waking Up Pregnant by Mira Lyn Kelly

Waking Up Pregnant
Author: Mira Lyn Kelly
Reading Level: Adult
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Released: March 1, 2014
Review Source: Harlequin Kiss | Netgalley

The night that changed everything!

Waitress Darcy Penn is the smart, sensible type—flirting with the extremely cute guy in the bar just isn't her usual style. As for ending up in his hotel room? Definitely not! Sneaking out while he's in the bathroom to avoid the post-sex awkwardness? Much more like it….

If Darcy had stuck around, Jeff Norton could have told her about their "epic latex fail." So he shouldn't be quite so shocked when months later, Darcy turns up at his classy L.A. office and throws up in his wastepaper basket. She's got a bad case of morning sickness, and she's here to find out what he's going to do about it!

It's Darcy Penn's last night in Vegas, working as a waitress, when Jeff Norton charms his way into having her agree to a night out in Vegas with him. Despite being so gaurded, she actually enjoys her time with him and ends up in his hotel room where an, uh-oh, latex fail happens. But, before he can tell her of the mishap she takes off. Because, this isn't something Darcy typically does. Anyway, months later when pregnant Darcy shows up at Jeff's office he isn't surprised at all. It's a whirlwind journey from then on out.

I absolutely enjoyed this book so much! I think most of the reason I did is because Mira Lyn Kelly's writing is done so beautifully. I loved her style, and she is definitely an author I will be on the look out for for future books.

Waking Up Pregnant was such a great read from begninning to end. I sympathized with both characters, Darcy and Jeff. Their situation was super awkward. I mean, hello, imagine being pregnant from a one night stand and moving to a different state to live with said one night stand's mother. The romance was done so well. Darcy had her walls built up so high it seemed impossible to ever get through, but Jeff found his way to her heart. And, Jeff's heart was also pretty damaged but Darcy managed to heal that wound. If you're looking for an adorable, and hot, romance definitely pick up Mira Lyn Kelly's copy of Waking Up Pregnant. Now, excuse me while I pick up the rest of her novels! :)

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