18 March 2014

Cover Reveal | Giveaway | Harp's Song By Cassie Shine

We are thrilled to take part in the reveal for the new cover of HARP'S SONG by Cassie Shine! Check it out, and let us know what you think in the comments below. Then be sure to enter the giveaway through the Rafflecopter link below for a chance to win a signed copy of HARP'S SONG, and a $25 Amazon gift card!

HARP'S SONG by Cassie Shine | Publication date: November 5, 2013
In just a few months Harp Evans will be officially coming of age and graduating from high school. She will be free from the mother that never wanted her, the house that never felt like home, and the disappointment of the last seventeen years. What she doesn’t know is that her mother has been holding onto a secret that has the potential to derail her dreams and destroy her already faulty sense of self. A self-proclaimed recluse, Harp spends most of her time practicing the cello, in the hopes of earning a full scholarship that will grant her freedom, but will also send her away from her best friend Connor Williams, who is becoming more than just a friend. As revelations are made, will Harp still feel the same way about leaving everyone that cares about her behind? Or will she continue to pursue the life she’s been dreaming of for as long as she can remember?
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What do you think of the cover?

About the Author

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Cassie Shine released her debut young adult novel, Harp's Song in November 2013, finally finishing the short story she started in her college creative writing class … many, many moons ago. She has always been an avid reader and lover of music (yes, she was in the high school marching band). While she has a weak spot for all things teeny bopper, especially boy bands, she also loves classical, country, rock and well, pretty much everything. After living in St. Louis for more than ten years, she and her husband packed up a U-Haul and headed west. They currently live in Orange County, CA with their furry kids Finnegan and Molly.


Enter to win a signed copy of HARP’S SONG with $30 Amazon gift card! (US/CA only)
Jen Halligan PR


  1. I love the cover. Thanks for the giveaway.

  2. Beautiful cover--sad and thought provoking. Thanks for the giveaway :)

  3. I think it's gorgeous! I love the colours used and the model is so pretty! :)

  4. I like how it portrays feelings In the characters face. Beautiful.
