19 March 2014

Guest Post: Author Tera Shanley | Love in the Time of the Dead | Zombie Making

Zombies!! Did I scare you? Whoo, I scared me a little too. Tera Shanley here, and I’m the author of Dystopian Romance, Love in the Time of the Dead.
I’m ecstatic to be sharing a guest post with you and decided to do something a little different for this. I love it here, and since Once Upon a Twilight is celebrating its 4 year blogoversary (woot woot!!), I thought we’d have a little fun! So let’s make zombies!! And then let’s eat ’em.

Supply List:
Eggs, Markers, Egg Dye, Bravery.

Step One: Boil Eggs.

Step Two: Mix Dye – Rotty Zombie Colors Work Best. (Greens, Blues, Yellows…) 

Step Three: Dye Those Little Brain Eaters!

Step Four: (For Those Of You Who Are Planners, Like Me) Sketch Zombie Cartoon Faces To Use As Templates.

Step Five: Draw Zombie Faces. (Small Tipped Markers Work Best)

Step Four: Make Double Sure No Civilian Eggs End Up in Zombie Carton.

Step Five: Attain Ultimate Zombie Slayer Status And Eat Zombies for Breakfast.


A huge thank you to Yara and Once Upon a Twilight for inviting my zombies to visit!


Laney Landry has been fighting Deads alongside her brother and friends for three years. But she has a secret. She's immune to Dead bites and has to find the right people to trust with the information. Her team rallies around her to find a doctor who can extract a vaccine from Laney which could fight the virus that ended the world.

Sean Daniels leads a colony that provides her team with much needed shelter and supplies. He is obviously interested in Laney. The question is whether he's only intrigued by her as a source for the possible vaccine, or for something more. Tests for the cure might push her body beyond what it can endure, and just as she faces a ghost from her past, her longtime teammate Derek Mitchell hints at an interest in more than just her Dead slaying abilities.

Two honorable and alluring men - one colossal decision to make. Despite historically bad taste in men, can she rise above the chaos of the apocalypse and choose the one who deserves her heart? The right choice could mean the difference between surviving...and living.

About Tera:
Tera Shanley writes in sub-genres that stretch from Paranormal Romance, to Historic Western Romance, to Apocalyptic (zombie) Romance. The common theme? She loves love! A self-proclaimed bookworm, she was raised in small town Texas and could often be found decorating a table at the local library. She currently lives in Dallas with her husband and two young children and when she isn’t busy running around after her family, she’s writing a new story or devouring a good book. Any spare time is dedicated to chocolate licking, rifle slinging, friend hugging, and the great outdoors. For more information about Tera and her work, visit www.terashanley.com.

CLICK HERE to visit our 4th birthday celebration giveaway which included a copy of Love in the Time if the Dead

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