31 March 2014

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

It's Monday! What are you reading is hosted by Book Journey. Each week we spotlight the books we are reading, planning on reading or just finished reading.


Currently Reading:

Next in Line:

Note: Next In Line books are subject to change.

Tell Us What You Are Reading or Just Finished! 
Comment Below!!


  1. Some interesting looking reads there. Have a great week!

  2. Wow, that's a lot of books! I wish I could read as fast as you do. Nice books!
    Julie @ Books and Insomnia

  3. Looks like some good stuff there, Mark of the dragonfly and of course the Forever Song gets lots of buzz. Curious about Expiration Day, that's kind of intriguing with the android thing and the diary format. Hope it's good!

  4. Enjoy your haul! Thanks for visiting my blog, and for your congrats on my book.

  5. I've seen House of Ivy and Sorrow in a lot of places lately. I hope you enjoyed it!

  6. So many awesome sounding books! I want to read all of them now! Have a great week!

  7. While I am not familiar with any of the books some have very enticing covers. I always find it amazing how many books there are to read. Have a great reading week.

  8. Ohhhh Taking Shots! I love Toni Aleo's books! I am a HUGE hockey fan and she has some really steamy hockey players she writes about! I hope you enjoy it! I'm reading Open Road Summer and TWILIGHT this week! Thanks for stopping by my post today!

    Have a fantastic week!

    Kristalyn @ The Sarcastic Palmtree

  9. Amazing week. I have several of these on my TBR but haven't gotten around to them. I'm impatiently waiting for Dorothy. I hope you have a great and happy reading. Enjoy all your beautiful books. It's Monday

  10. Nice assortment of books. House of Ivy & Sorrow is on my wish list, along with a few of your others. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  11. I like the cover of House of Ivy & Sorrow. Enjoy your week!

  12. I love the cover for Expiration Day! I hope you like all your reads :)
    Thanks for stopping by my It's Monday Post.
    -Kimberly @ Turning the Pages
