16 March 2014

{ Once Upon a Twilight } Turned 4!

Once Upon a Twilight 4th Birthday!!!
Today we celebrate OUaT 4th birthday!!! I can't even begin to express how happy I am and THANKFUL that this birthday arrived. YOU, yes YOU the readers, authors and publishers have made all these years possible. I never still to this day would have ever imagined being here 4 years later. But here we are and as long as you will continue to have us, we will be here.

When I created OUaT again I repeat myself, it was suppose to be just a site that I would share my adventures and the books I read for a few friends. I didn't expected that little by little more and more would start reading what I had to share. Then when I open the doors up and took on a team, OUaT took off even faster and so much since then has happen and so many wonderful, amazing opportunities have been granted to us that its something I can't believe some days. And on a more personal level, having OUaT as something to focus for these past years has helped me personally with certain things in my life that I am very grateful it came to my life when it did. So again THANK YOU!

THANK YOU TO THE READERS that comment, tweet or share via Facebook or any social media site. YOU guys are core of this site. I can read millions of books but if you the reader isn't reading what is being shared, then we wouldn't be here like we are. So 4 million times THANK YOU!

To my OUaT Coven, Ladies you complete OUaT. I can never go back to being solo, OUaT would be broken. I am so lucky to have the team I have, we are more than just a team , we are a family. I love our daily chats and emails, I look forward to them everyday. Thank you for sticking around and here is to many more years of doing what we love and sharing it with everyone.

Thank you to everyone else in the bookish world (authors, publishers, agents and anyone else I'm forgetting) that has helped OUaT grow and be here 4 years later. The readers are the core but you guys are the many layers that are needed to make it solid. So thank you for everything and trusting in us.
(Theo is Celebrating with Us!)

Now I don't have cake to share with everyone but I do have something that might make up for the cake. If you look below you will see some things you might like.

  • (1) Grand prize: 20 books!!! The top 10 books are all hardcovers of recent releases. Then the other 10 are a mix of paperback and advance reader copies (Titles are listed under picture below). (US ONLY)
  • (1) Vampire Academy Prize: Movie-tie in paperback, make up, nail polish, pencils, ext... (US ONLY)
  • (1) Divergent Prize: 3 different posters plus faction tattoos. (US ONLY)
  • (3) Ebook Bundles from Omnific Publishing: Your bundle could contain any of the following books listed below: (INTERNATIONAL)
The Blood Vine Series (3 books) by Amber Belldene (PNR, Vampires)
Fatal, by TA Brock (YA, Zombies)
Shades of Atlantis by Carol Oates (YA, Arthurian)
The Embrace Series by Cherie Colyer (YA, Witches & Fae) 

The Light Series by Jennifer DeLucy (PNR)The Reaper Series by Kate Evangelista (YA)
Divine Temptation by Nicki Elson (Angels)
Divinity by Patricia Leever (PNR)
Grave Refrain by Sarah Glover (Ghosts)
Love in the Time of the Dead by Tera Shanley (Zombies)

Books from Grand Prize Box: Cruel Beauty | Don't Even Think About It | Faking Normal | Never Ending | Kissing in Italian | Uninvited | The Book of Love | The Beginning of Everything | Steadfast | No One Else Can Have You | The Book Thief | Unbreakable | Scan | Jet | Sleep No More | Clipped Wings | The Forbidden Library | The Impossible Knife of Memory | Noggin | To All The Boys Ive Loved Before


  1. Happy Blogoversary!! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  2. I absolutely love your blog! Happy Blogoversary!!!!!!

  3. Happy Blogoversary!! I love reading your reviews and seeing the fun bookish things you get to do!

  4. Congrats on 4 awesome years! Love your blog. :)
    TY for the fantastic giveaway!

  5. Congratulations on 4 years can't wait for many more!

  6. Congratulations on 4 year's! Can't wait for many more!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Happy, happy 4th blog birthday!!!!

  9. Congrats on 4 years!! Hope you'll still be here for more years to come!! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  10. Happy Blogoversery!!! Congrats on 4 years and I hope you'll be here for more years to come!!

  11. Congrats on 4 years!! I am a Twilight fan and so LOVE this book blog :)

  12. Wow four years! Congrats and cheers to another year!

  13. Happy 4th birthday! Congrats!

  14. This is a fantastic giveaway! Happy Anniversary for your blog! :) Keep up the great work!

  15. Thank you for a exciting giveaway! Happy Anniversary for your blog! Keep up the good work! :)

  16. Happy 4th Blogversary! I wish you many many more :)!

  17. Happy Blogiversary!

  18. Congrats on 4 years! Thank you for doing this giveaway. :)

  19. Happy 4th Blogoversary/Birthday! Thank you for the very generous giveaway!

  20. Amazing giveaway! Thank you so much! And happy blogoversary!

  21. Happy Blogoversary! You guys are awesome!

  22. Happy Blogoversary. You guys are great. Love your blog.

  23. Happy Blogoversary. You guys are the greatest. I love your blog.

  24. Happy Birthday. You turned four! Thank you for all of the book reviews and giveaways that you have given us over the last four years. Thank you for this awesome birthday giveaway.

    Hugs & Best Wishes

  25. Happy Blogoversary! :D Thank you!

  26. Happy 4th Blogoversary!! Love the blog.

  27. Happy 4th Blogoversary!! Love the blog.

  28. Happy Blogoversary!! Congrats on 4 years. That's amazing. :)

  29. Happy blogoversary! Congrats on 4 years. That's amazing. :)

  30. Happy 4th Blogoversary! Thank you for the great giveaway too!

  31. Congrats on FOUR years! Wishing you many, many more!!!

  32. What an amazing giveaway. Thanks! Happy FOUR!

  33. That's a great giveaway! Thanks for sharing your love for books

  34. Wow - 4 years! That's incredible! Congrats and thanks so much for the giveaway - those are all on my TBR list!! Fingers crossed :)

  35. Congratulations on your blogaversary! Looks like a fantastic giveaway! WOOHOO!

  36. so many books that I'm dying to read! congrats on 4 years!!!

  37. Happy Blogoversary! Thanks for this awesome giveaway!

  38. Happy Blogoversary! Four years is definitely something to celebrate. :) I'm looking forward to getting to know this blog more--I can't believe I've only just now discovered it in the last couple days.

  39. Happy blogoversary! What an awesome giveaway! Hope you have many more fun years ahead.

  40. Happy Blogoversary!! I can't believe it's been four years already!!

  41. WOW!! Four years?! That requires massive dedication, energy, time, and just a pure love of books -- I'm in awe! Your blog is one of the very first book blogs I ever started following, I guess it's been just over two years now... and of course now I'm hooked and there are way too many I like to read on a regular basis ;) But no matter what, I always remember that you were one of the first that got me hooked, and I'll be a follower for just as long as y'all are blogging!

    Huge, massive congrats and good wishes to all of you! You should be very proud of yourselves for everything you've accomplished. Thanks for all of your hard work!

  42. Happy Blogoversary!!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  43. Happy Happy Birthday! We're so glad you stayed! Happy Happy Birthday! Looking forward to you turning eight!!!!! Congrats! Thank you so much for the giveaway. And I meant it, I hope y'all stick around for another four years, and many more!

    Check out a review of The Shadow Prince and much more at..... The Best Books Ever

  44. How have I been so bleeping oblivious that I was unaware of your blog prior to now, I feel like a buffoon! A very Merry and Joyous Blogiversary to you!!! Four years is pret-ty impressive, I commend you on this most glorious of achievements! Even at 4 years, you've found yourself a brand new fan right here *points at self*

  45. Thank you everyone for the wonderful comments. Won't hide that I got teary eyed reading most of them. So thank you. Here is to 4 more years. XoxoX - Yara

  46. Happy Blogoversary! Thank you for the awesome giveaway!!

  47. WHAT??? Did you ask a question? I'm a little distracted by Theo....oh yeah, Happy Birthday...here's to another 4 more...I'm going back to watch Theo....

  48. Absolutely LOVE this giveaway! HAPPY 4 YEAR ANNIVERSARY LADIES!!!

    Xoxo. Alexis @ Lexi Swoons

  49. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  50. Happy Blogoversary and thanks for the awesome giveaway!!!

  51. Happy Blogoversary! 4 years is awesome!! Thanks for the giveaway :)

  52. What an incredible assortment of books! You have done so much during your time, fantastic!!!

  53. (This is Darith L)

    Happy Blogoversary! Thank you for this giveaway!

  54. Happy Blogoversary! Looks like some great books. Thanks for having the giveaway.

  55. Happy Blogoversary! Congrats on all your accomplishments!

  56. Here's to an amazing 4 years and another 4 to come!

  57. Here's to an amazing 4 years an another 4 to come!

  58. You were one of the very first blogs I followed. And one of the reasons I started blogging. <3 you guys and happy anniversary!!

  59. Congrats on the 4 years and thank you for the giveaway just does not seem to be enough. You have been a pillar in the blogging community for 4 years and to many you have been an inspiration. Thank you for all the wonderful things you have done and all of the things that are to come <3
