16 March 2014

Stacking the Shelves: 3/16/14

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by  Tynga's Reviews

For Review: (physical copies)

For Review: (NetGalley, Edelweiss, eBooks or Audiobooks)

Purchased:(Leydy is getting ready for Book Bash 2014!)


  1. Oh wow this is a lot of books! I don't recognize any of the books, except for Maze Runner, which I still need to read.

  2. Pretties! Love the cover of The Forever Song. Understated but still lovely.

    Enjoy your books!

  3. This is some serious review stack! I do wonder how we all can read all these books that we acquired. Enjoy your books!

  4. Wow, you got a lot of new books! First of all, I am super jealous of The Art of Lainey and can't wait to see what you think about it.
    I read Catch a Falling Star earlier this week and found it to be a quite cute, fast read perfect for the summer.

    Thanks for stopping by at my blog and happy reading!

  5. Lots of great reading choices for OUaT this week!

  6. For some reason I can't see the new books you picked up. I only see the headings, but I did just watch the VA cast interview. I just finished reading the second book in the series and LOVED it. I really want to see the movie. The cast interview was awesome. I didn't realize they were all British.

    I hope you enjoy all of your new books! Thanks for stopping by my STS :)

  7. Nice haul! I love the Pete the Cat books and use them at storytime often. Happy reading!

  8. A: You're going to LOVE The Maze Runner. It's been one of my all time favorites for several years! Now that my boyfriend is playing the lead in the movie - it's even better ;)

    And I have been dying to read THE MURDER COMPLEX! Looks so good!

    Nice haul ladies! Hugs! ~Amber @ MMSAI

  9. Really great haul. I'd love to read Maybe Someday :)

    Happy reading!

    My Haul

  10. EEP! So excited for Maybe Someday!

    Enjoy all your books.

    Valerie @ StuckInBooks

  11. The Maze Runner is one of my favorite dystopias! And you have a ton of contemporaries that I've been contemplating reading. Thanks for stopping by my STS! Ps. I am LOVING your blog picture, with all the trees and the fog.... so cool!

  12. WOW. lots of books. how are you going to find time to read all these books. I see a few that look really tempting to me. Enjoy your week.

    Grace@ books of love

  13. Some interesting titles. Thanks for stopping by my new additions

  14. Ask Again Later, I was seriously surprised with that one, so good, and really hilarious. THE FOREVER SONG! So jealous, dying to get my hands on it. Hope you enjoy it! :D

    Here's mine

    Kirsty @ StudioReads

  15. WOW!! so many awesome books you guys got this week. i got the new lauren barnholdt too. so excited for that one. happy reading :)

    hope you can stop by my StS Post.

    -michelle @ Michelle & Leslie's Book Picks

  16. WOW! Tons of books! Lots of good titles too, hope you enjoy! Thanks for stopping by Follow the Yellow Book Road

  17. What an awesome haul! I'm looking forward to reading The Murder Complex, as I've been hearing Lindsay Cummings talk about it on Twitter for what seems like forever! It sounds SO good! Also, anything by Jennifer L Armentrout/J Lynn is amazing!

    My haul this week.

  18. SO jealous of The Murder Complex! I love every single one of JLA's books so I hope you enjoy her New Adult series. Happy reading! :)

  19. Wow, that is an amazing haul :-) So many wonderful looking books. Enjoy!

  20. Now this is one epic haul! I don't even know where to start! I definitely am hoping to get approved for Catch a Falling Star. I got The Forever Song this week and I am completely psyched! I can't WAIT to read Maybe Someday!!! Happy reading!

  21. Nice haul! WOW, that is seriously a lot of amazing books this week. I finished Maybe Someday recently and I absolutely loved that, the music added so much to it and made the experience so much better! I hope you enjoy all of your books :)

  22. Awesome book haul! You got some great titles this week!

  23. Wow, you got amazing books. I still need to read The Murder Complex. It sounds so great.

  24. Great haul! I haven't heard of most of your books, but The Murder Complex and Catch a Falling Star look really good. Enjoy your books, and thanks for stopping by.

    Elen @ A World of Reviews

  25. Woah, you got lots of amazing physical copies like Fanart, Murder Complex and Guy in Real Life! I have those copies from Edelweiss. Enjoy your books!

  26. Lots of awesome books this week, you got heaps of sweet physical review copies! I really want to read the Murder Complex, Guy in Real life and Fan Art. Enjoy all of your reads, epic haul!

    Jeann @ Happy Indulgence

  27. Wow, look at that haul! I hope you enjoy them.

  28. So many books! I'm so jealous! I never get time to read a lot of books it's really sad :(

  29. Congrats on FOUR years!!! Great choices! I'm super excited for Maybe Someday. Colleen Hoover can do no wrong!

    Thanks so much!

  30. Wow! So many great reads! I even found a few new ones to look into - thanks for stopping by mine :)

  31. Great haul! The Forever Song and The Maze Runner especially. These are very high on my want-to-read list. Enjoy and Happy Reading!
    Here are my newest additions.
