30 March 2014

Stacking the Shelves: 3/30/14

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by  Tynga's Reviews

For Review: (physical copies)


For Review: (eBooks, NetGalley, Edelweiss, Audiobooks)



Books from Grand Prize Box: Cruel Beauty | Don't Even Think About It | Faking Normal | Never Ending | Kissing in Italian | Uninvited | The Book of Love | The Beginning of Everything | Steadfast | No One Else Can Have You | The Book Thief | Unbreakable | Scan | Jet | Sleep No More | Clipped Wings | The Forbidden Library | The Impossible Knife of Memory | Noggin | To All The Boys Ive Loved Before


  1. You have a lot of books on your plate :0)
    Looking forward to Shield of Winter.
    Thanks for stopping by the Harem.

    Lauren @The Hottie Harem

  2. Oh, you got Twisted. I am currently reading Tangled :D You have a massive haul! I hope you find all the time to read all of them :)

  3. My goodness! What an amazing haul. I hope you enjoy these books.

  4. Wow, you get so many physical copies it's amazing. I got Salvage too.

  5. All of your new goodies look amazing! I got Since You've Been Gone this week, too! I'm super excited that it will be my first Morgan Matson book!

  6. That is a BIG book haul this week, hope you enjoy them! Thanks for coming to visit my blog!

  7. wow so many books! I'm a little behind in the Nalini series but I really need to go back to it. Happy reading!

  8. Oh wow, you got so many books! I can't wait to read the next Psy-Changeling novel - I love Nalini Singh!
    Happy four year blogoversary! You ladies are doing truly awesome :)

    I hope you'll have a fantastic week. Enjoy all your new books.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  9. YAY Sublime! I got that one some weeks ago - can't wait to read it! And On the Fence, In the After, and The Vanishing Season. I LOVED Salvage and enjoyed Let the Storm Break. Hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  10. Lots of good ones! I'm going to read Selvage this week. Hope you enjoy them all and thanks for stopping by!

  11. On the Fence was quite cute! :) There are so many amazing looking books in that haul of yours. I hope you enjoy them!
    Happy reading and thanks for stopping by at my blog!

  12. What an awesome bundle you have! =) I love that you only have 3 to review. I have so many I don't know what I am going to do.

    Have a great week of reading and thanks for stopping by my STS this week. Also, thank you for the great giveaway and Happy 4th Blogoversary!!


  13. Great haul! I have Salvage on my TBR list, and I'm just dying to read it. Dystopia/post-apocalyptic books are sort of my weakness. :) Thanks for stopping by at my blog earlier! Happy reading and have a great Sunday!

  14. Wow, that's quite a haul! I'm looking forward to reading The Half Life Of Molly Pierce, it looks really good.

    ★ Under The Mountain is Un-Stacking Her Shelves ★

  15. That's one impressive haul! I want to read so many of these myself, they look so good. I hope you enjoy all of your books and thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  16. What a great haul! I especially can't wait to read The Half Life of Molly Pierce. Happy reading!

  17. Great haul! I loved Since You've Been Gone. Come see what I added this week at Inside of a Dog and Ms. Martin Teaches Media. Happy reading!

  18. I would love to get an advanced copy of Shield of Winter. Thanks for visiting.

  19. OMG! what an awesome week for you guys. You got a tremendous amount of books. They all have fabulous looking covers.

    books of love

  20. Awesome haul! I've seen Wish You Were Italian on a few blogs now and it looks like a fun read. Enjoy!

  21. Nice haul - thanks for stopping by!

  22. SO MANY REVIEW COPIES AHHHH <3 (excuse my book fangirl moment) i spied a copy of Let the Storm Break & Flithy Boy and i've been dying to get my hands on both of those. sounds like you mail box was full this week! great haul
    Lily @ Lilysbookblog
    p.s congrats on the four year blogversary!

  23. Want to read The Vanishing Season sooo bad! Happy reading!

  24. Wowzers! Great haul! Enjoy and thanks for stopping by!


  25. It looks like HarperCollins hooked you up with a lot of great titles! I loved loved loooooved Kasie West's On The Fence and I'm really looking forward to Sublime from Lo and C. I hope you enjoy all these new pretties!

    Also, thanks for the giveaway opportunity because...Holy box-a-books, Batman! Congratulations on making it to 4 years, that's amazing!! Here's to many more years of blogging and reading all the best books! <3

    Thanks for stopping by The Book Hookup!

  26. SO many wonderful new books here! I am really looking forward to Aprilynne Pike's new books too!
    Happy reading :)

  27. Goodness, you have many books that I want to read!!! Thanks for your giveaway!!!

  28. Since You've Been Gone looks like a fun read! And Wild has been on my radar for a while now!

  29. So many great books. Thanks for having this giveaway.

  30. Amazing haul! I have a few of these but not all of them, I hope you enjoy them all!

    Thanks for stopping by and happy reading :)

  31. Awesome haul! I loved Recklessly Royal, such a sweet and funny story! Happy reading :)

  32. Nice haul! I hope you enjoy them all.

  33. OMG SO MANY BOOKS!! I'm looking forward to Wild and The Vanishing Season too! Happy reading. :)

  34. That's so nice of you congrats on 4 years!
