26 March 2014

Waiting on Wednesday: There Will Come a Time by Carrie Arcos

Waiting on Wednesday

"Waiting On Wednesday" is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking The Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

There Will Come a Time
Author: Carrie Arcos
Release Date: May 6th 2014
Publisher: Simon Pulse

Mark knows grief. Ever since the accident that killed his twin sister, Grace, the only time he feels at peace is when he visits the bridge on which she died. Comfort is fleeting, but it’s almost within reach when he’s standing on the wrong side of the suicide bars. Almost.

Grace’s best friend, Hanna, says she understands what he’s going through. But she doesn’t. She can’t. It’s not just the enormity of his loss. As her twin, Mark should have known Grace as well as he knows himself. Yet when he reads her journal, it’s as if he didn’t know her at all.

As a way to remember Grace, Hanna convinces Mark to complete Grace’s bucket list from her journal. Mark’s sadness, anger, and his growing feelings for Hannah threaten to overwhelm him. But Mark can’t back out. He made a promise to honor Grace—and it’s his one chance to set things right.


  1. I'm a sucker for a story with the loss of a twin *adds to tbr* Great pick, Leydy!

    Here's my WoW

    Xoxo. Alexis @ Lexi Swoons

  2. Love your pick, great post the cover is great it's so simple but I love it!
    My WoW
    Rimsha@Ramblings of a Bookworm

  3. I hadn’t heard of this one, but it’s definitely going on my TBR list now thanks for sharing.
    Here is My WOW

  4. This sounds so good! *adds to list!*

  5. I do love a good, emotional read. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  6. Sounds awesomely heartbreaking! Great pick!

    Thanks for stopping by :)

  7. Sounds like a good book. :) Great pick!

    My WoW

  8. Aww this sounds so heartbreaking. Def worth a read! Thanks for sharing.

    my WOW: http://www.bookythoughtsandme.com/waiting-wednesday-otherwise-engaged/

  9. This one does sound great! Thanks for stopping by my WOW earlier!

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  10. I've seen this around, but it sounds a bit to sad for my tastes. I hope you love it!

  11. Great pick, I'm excited for this one, too! This one sounds like it's really going to pull some heartstrings! Thanks for sharing.

    Cyn @ Bookmunchies

  12. Awesome pick, this one is in my TBR as well.

    Thanks for stopping by :)

  13. Oh yes, great choice this week. I have this coming up on my reading and review list soon. It really sounds like an emotional read. I hope we both enjoy it. Thanks for sharing.
    My WoW

  14. I hadn't heard of this, but it sounds very interesting! Adding this one to my list, thanks!

  15. Wow, this sounds like a great story. I love the simplicity of the cover; it fits beautifully.

    Thanks for stopping by my WoW!

  16. Nice pick! I haven't heard of this kind before, abd it looks good. Thanks for sharing!

  17. This sounds great, I'm intrigued. I've added this to my lists! Thanks for stopping by earlier :)

    Shaheen @ Speculating on SpecFic
    Check out what I'm waiting on!

  18. This sounds really good and I'm intrigued! Thanks for sharing, and for stopping by earlier :)

    Shaheen @ Speculating on SpecFic
    Check out what I'm waiting on!

  19. I love twin stories, and it looks like this one is going to need one or two boxes of tissue to go with it!! Great pick!

  20. Great choice! Haven't heard of this one before. Adding it to my TBR! Thanks for sharing! :-)
    Megan @ Books i View

  21. Awwww,....this sounds like the perfect sweet, grab-your- box-of-hankies read! I've never heard of it, but thanks to you, now I'm adding it to my Goodreads TBR shelves! Great pick!!

    Thanks for dropping by my WOW and commenting!! : )

  22. This certainly sounds like the kind of book to make me bawl, but it sounds good too! It's definitely going on the TBR. :) Great pick!!

    Rachel @ Paper Cuts

  23. This one sounds really sad and heart-wrenching. Nice pick for the week and thanks for stopping by my WoW :)

  24. Possibly too sad for me, but I love the cover and the concept - I'm a big fan of bucket lists in books.

    Thanks for sharing and for visiting my WoW!
