12 April 2014

A Saturday Moment with Deitre and Giveway

I feel that I have fallen quickly off of the face of the earth away from the world of books and blogging.  One week I'm in New York chaperoning a middle school field trip with my daughter's orchestra and Group Travel Consultants.  Let me just say that the tour guide John, had us moving through New York for 4 days straight seeing everything we could possibly see.  It was my first visit and yes, I felt very small in this huge and grand city.  I've got to be honest.  I thought I would truly sneak in some great reading time.  But really, how could you when you are seeing sights like these:

After very long hours of being on a charter bus, I jumped off and went straight to a plane in route to another location I've never been, Detroit Michigan.  Where I faced many eager and  soon to be teachers looking for job opportunities in the warm state of SC.  It seems like yesterday that I was sitting in my first classroom assignment, scared and not really sure where to begin.  But that's another story.  :)

It's 8:00 am, I'm up way too early.  Getting ready to enjoy my first cup of coffee at home in two weeks.  My first "none" continental breakfast experience at home.  But above all a Saturday full of catching up on all things books and an official start to my Spring Break.  It doesn't get any better than this.  I'm finishing up The Edge of Falling by Rebecca Serle.  A Leisure Moment had a casual conversation with Rebecca, that we can't wait to share.  What are you reading this weekend?

Current Giveaways at A Leisure Moment

Visit OUaT on Monday, April 14th  for my review of Falling By Design.  


 Children's Book Giveaway

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