30 April 2014

Blog Tour: Remnants: Season of Wonder | Lisa T. Bergren | Exclusive Excerpt | Giveaway

Welcome to our stop on the REMNANTS: SEASON OF WONDER blog tour for the talented Lisa T. Bergren. We are huge fans of Bergren and he books and are thrilled to have been a part of this tour.

An Excerpt (Unedited!) from the upcoming REMNANTS: SEASON OF FIRE
By Lisa T. Bergren:

I turned to face him, wanting to take his hands, but knew it would make it all the harder. If I touched him, it might be all over.
“Don’t say it,” he said miserably, folding his arm, turning partially away, and rubbing the back of his neck. “I know, Dri. I know.”
There would be no betrothal ceremony for Ronan and me. No children. No settling into a cozy cottage in the Valley. With a start, I admitted to myself that I’d been fantasizing about all of those things for days, now. Ever since we’d kissed in  the tree house. Maybe even before then, in the Wadi.
No, we would likely give our lives for this cause…to turn the world back toward the Way. To point toward hope. Peace.
“Supreme goals always demand supreme sacrifice,” I muttered, repeating a quote my father had often shared with me.
“It’s selfish, our love,” he whispered slowly, as if each word pained him. “We were born to serve a love even greater than ours.” He turned toward me again, his beautiful river-green eyes searching me, and I watched as the morning sun, filtering through the trees, caught the tips of his dark lashes. The longing, the aching within him doubled my own.
“We were,” I made myself whisper. Then I couldn’t stand it any longer. I pulled him close, resting my cheek against his chest, feeling the comforting thump of his heartbeat, the warmth of him as he struggled.
“Dri,” he groaned.
“I know. I know,” I said, tears rising. “I just need you to hold me. One more time.”
Tentatively, he put his arms around me at last, his hands unmoving. Disappointment sliced through him, and me. A slow, grinding pain, the knowledge of impending division. A sort of agony that tripled my own.
“We won’t be separate, Ronan,” I said quickly. “We’ll be together more than most married couples are.”
“All of the pain, none of the pleasure,” he said with a sardonic laugh.
I huffed a laugh with him. “It’s a gift, to be your best friend, even if I can never have all your love.”
When he said nothing, I leaned back to look at his face.
He reached then, to cradle my cheek, every bit of his action denoting devotion. “Make no mistake, Andriana,” he said fiercely, but softly. “I intend to see this mission through.” He put his other hand on my other cheek then. His eyes searched mine, back and forth, and I felt the ferocity of his pledge. “But when it’s over, I will not rest until you are completely mine.”
With that, he kissed me one final time, just the barest, lightest, slowest touch of our lips. Then he took my hand and led me back to camp.

© 2014 Lisa T. Bergren; please do not reproduce in any form

Remnants: Season of Wonder
The Remnants #1
Author: Lisa T. Bergren
Reading Level: Young Adult
Released: April 8th 2014
Publisher: Blink

*Email Lisa that you ordered or purchased Remnants: Season of Wonder IN APRIL and she’ll mail you a signed bookplate! (Lisa@bergrencreativegroup.com)

Andriana is a Remnant, one of the gifted teens born on the seventh day during the seventy-seventh Harvest after the Great War, and destined to act as humanity’s last shield against the horrors that now plague those who remain.

After years of training in stealth and warfare, Andriana and her Knight protector, Ronan, are finally ready to answer the Call and begin the life they were designed for. But as they embark with the other Remnants on the first of their assignments, they quickly discover that the world beyond their protected Valley home is more dangerous than they imagined.

The Sons of Sheol will stop at nothing to prevent Dri and Ronan from rescuing anyone sympathetic to the Remnants’ cause. And as the Remnants attempt to battle the demonic forces, other enemies close in. Dangers intensify, but so do Dri's feelings for Ronan--the one emotion she is not meant to feel. In the midst of their mission, Andriana must find a way to master her feelings, or risk compromising everything.

About the Author:

Lisa T. Bergren is the author of over forty books, with a combined count of over 2.5 million copies sold. She has written best-selling children’s books, award-winning YA (River of Time Series: Waterfall), popular historical fiction, contemporary fiction, women’s nonfiction, and gift books. She is a writer and editor residing in Colorado Springs, CO, with her husband and three children. You can find out more about Lisa at LisaBergren.com.

Be sure to write down this STOP #26 LAUNCH TOUR CLUE: today

Collect all the clues and fill out Lisa’s Rafflecopter form on her launch tour post at LisaBergren.com at the end of April and you could win either a Kindle Fire HDX ($229) or iPod Touch ($229)!

Read a scene lately in a novel that you keep thinking about? Why? Share about it in the comments below!


  1. I read the final scene in My Stubborn heart by becky wade and it stuck with me. truckredford(at)gmail(dot)com

  2. The book looks great, can't wait to read it!

  3. The last scene in Kaitlyn Davis's Midnite Fire Series, Scorch! It was transforming and made me cry!

  4. The end scene in The Book Thief has stuck with me for a bit.

  5. Oh my goodness! I love the scene that you just shared from Remnants: Season of Fire! Can't wait!

  6. Not a recent scene but favorite is Sir Blakeney, fighting his deep love for his wife who he believes is a traitor and can't divulge all of who he is to her. Ahhh!

  7. can't say the scene but it was a scene in the recently released The One!

  8. I too enjoyed the recent release of The One and read it cover to cover! No spoilers, but there are some really fun moments in the book.

  9. Scenes that stay with me are usually very visual and in some way uncomfortable or traumatic.

  10. That part of the book was like awww and yay!!


  12. Can't wait to read it

  13. I love that excerpt! I must read this!
