04 April 2014

Blog Tour: Summer on the Short Bus | Bethany Crandell | Review | Giveaway

Welcome to the last stop of the blog tour for Summer on the Short Bus written by Bethany Crandell . This tour is hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Today we share our 4.5 star review plus much more.

Summer on the Short Bus
Author: Bethany Crandell
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Contemporary
Released: April 1st 2014
Review Source: Blog Tour

Cricket Montgomery has been thrown under the short bus. Shipped off to a summer camp by her father, Cricket is forced to play babysitter to a bunch of whiny kids—or so she thinks. When she realizes this camp is actually for teens with special needs, Cricket doubts she has what it takes to endure twenty-four hours, let alone two weeks.

Thanks to her dangerously cute co-counselor, Quinn, there may be a slim chance for survival. However, between the campers’ unpredictability and disregard for personal space, Cricket’s limits get pushed. She will have to decide if suffering through her own handicapped hell is worth a summer romance—and losing her sanity.
I have never read a book by this author so I didn't know what I would expect to read from her. When I first started reading the book from the first chapter it was love at first read. I just couldn't put it down. When your reading a book and you feel like you want to get to the point but the author is beating around the bush and just won't get to the point. Not with this author. She was able to get to the point right from the beginning.

The Main character Cricket is a rich kid that has everything you can imagine. Well she gets into a little trouble at home and her father has had it. She was suppose to go away in the summer with her friend but he put his foot down and said no you are going to go to camp and help out as a attendant. Well what she didn't realize she was out in the boonies with no cell service unless you climbed a mountain to get some kind of service and she didn't know that she was going to be going to a camp to help handicapped children. When she first arrives there she falls in love with another counselor that looks just like Zac Efron. Well she thinks to herself that it's not going to be that bad if I get to work with him everyday until the short bus slows up and the kids get off the bus. That's when it hits her. This is how she is going to spend her summer. She has the attitude where she doesn't even want the kids to even touch her because she might get some kind of disease from them.

I would love to tell you more but this book is so worth the read. It's the kind of book that you want to give to everybody to read because it will touch you and make you feel better about your life. It will make you look at things differently and what you have and what you don't have. When I was reading the book and I was reading how Cricket was so mean to the disabled children. I couldn't believe she could do something like that. Then you think to yourself and you remember one time when you were picking on kids just liked them. After thinking that you just want to crawl in a hole and die.

This is the type of book that High schoolers should read in book club in school because it might change some of the kids with the way they are treating others. It's like bullying when your picking on the disabled kids. I loved this book so much that I couldn't put it down. This book will live with your forever and maybe next time when you see somebody that is disabled you might not pick on them ever again.

About Bethany:

I wish I had some mysterious secret to reveal about myself in hopes that you'd find me interesting...but I don't. When it comes to me, what you see is what you get. And what you get is an irreverent, sarcastic and emotional girl who writes stories about characters with these same traits.

I live in San Diego with my husband, two kiddos, and a chocolate lab who has no regard for personal space. I'm slightly obsessed with John Hughes and the wonderful collection of films he left behind, and I'm confident that Jake Ryan will be showing up on my doorstep any day now...

I firmly believe that prayer solves problems, and that laughter is the best medicine. Along with avocados. Avocados make the world a better place.

I'm represented by Rachael Dugas of Talcott Notch Literary Agency.

Week One: 3/24/2014- Swoony Boys PodcastInterview
3/25/2014- YaReadsReview
3/26/2014- Fire and IceGuest Post
3/27/2014- Fiction FreakReview
3/28/2014- Adventures of a Book Junkie- Interview
Week Two:
3/31/2014- Curling Up With A Good BookReview
4/1/2014- Sweet Southern HomeGuest Post
4/2/2014- The Reading DateReview
4/3/2014- BookishInterview
4/4/2014- Once upon a twilightReview


  1. Such an awesome review! I agree, this book should be in every middle schooler to high schooler's book club list. It's a great book to read and have discussions on .This tour has been awesome! Also, your blog is very pretty. :)

  2. This sounds like something my kids need to read. Just this week I have had to deal with the bullying of my 14 year old daughter. Adding this to my TBR list. Great review Tiffany!!


  3. With my background in special education, I must express that the title of the book doesn't sit well with me at all. Unfortunately, it may distract from titles that school media specialist may get. However, Tiffany's glimpse into the book has peaked my interest a great deal and I'm going to give this book a chance. Thanks Tiffany!

  4. This looks like a cute book with serious topics. I would enjoy this!! Thanks for your giveaway.

  5. This looks like a cute book! Thanks for the introduction and review! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it!
