30 April 2014

Extra! Extra!: Join us for the #FierceReads Event @BooksandBooks on 5/19!

Hi guys, this is Leydy. As you may know from previous posts, if not you can check here, I love to attend book signings at Books and Books, located in Miami. And today I am thrilled to announce that I will be live-tweeting the Fierce Reads event at Books and Books as the tour's official dedicated blogger! *happy dances* Soon, we will be giving away the featured titles! So make sure you stay tuned! In the mean time, make sure to check out the line-up here!

Fierce Read Tour Week 1:

Follow along with #FierceReads tour via Twitter:

5/13 – Parnassus Books – BookYAReview | @BookYAReview
5/14 – The Avid Bookshop - Girl Who Reads | @Girl_Who_Reads
5/15 – Little Shop of Stories - Lady Reader’s Book Stuff | @LadyReaderStuff 
5/16 – Hooray for Books! - Mod Podge Bookshelf | @ModPodgeBooks
5/17 – The Gaithersburg Book Festival - The Irish Banana Review | @irish_banana
5/18 – Booksellers at Laurelwood - Twilight Sleep | @TwilightSleepYA
5/19 – Books & Books - Once Upon a Twilight | @twilightsdance
5/20 – Vero Beach Book Center - Book Briefs | @BookBriefs

Hope to you see you there!

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