06 April 2014

Stacking the Shelves: 4/6/14

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by  Tynga's Reviews

For Review: (physical copies)

For Review: (eBooks, NetGalley, Edelweiss, Audiobooks)


Leydy's Purchased for BOOK BASH 2014:

Don't forget to enter Legend + Prodigy Paperback Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. So many fun books! You have a lot of books that are on my TBR list like Broken Hearts, Fences, and Other Things to Mend. Happy reading!

  2. These look great! I've been meaning to get around to Colleen Hoover.

  3. What a big HAUL!! I love the giveaway. Those books were really good!! I would actually read them again.


  4. Awesome haul this week :) Sometimes I ask myself how I find time to read so many books :D

  5. Wow, you got A LOT of awesome books this week! I am so excited to read KILLER INSTINCT! You are so lucky! I hope you can decide which one to read first out of all the great books you got this week! ;)

    Thanks for visiting my Shelves @ Addicted Readers! :)

    Enjoy and Happy Reading!

  6. Hope you enjoy your books!
    Thanks for stopping by the Harem :0)

  7. Thanks for visiting my haul post.

    I've picked up a few book ideas that I've put on my Wish List in Killer Instinct, The Vigilante Poets... and The Summer I Saved...

    Thanks for giving me some new book ideas.

  8. Great haul! I had no idea there was a new Merry Gentry book coming out. That just shows you how far behind in the series I am.

    Thanks so much for stopping by and following, Leydy. I'm an old follower of Once Upon a Twilight via GFC, but I made sure to follow via Bloglovin', as well. I hope you have a great Sunday. Enjoy your haul!

  9. Thanks for visiting my STS

    JR Ward is one of those authors that I DESPERATELY need to read. I've heard so many good things but haven't read any of the books.

  10. OH LOOK LEGEND AND PRODIGY. Thaaank you for the giveaway. ;) And I hope you enjoy all your books!

  11. Ohh, so many awesome books. <3 I haven't read any of them, but they looks amazing :) I hope you will love them all. Happy reading. <3

  12. Nice haul! I especially like the Infinite Sky cover. Happy reading!

  13. You guys always have the most diverse haul of any blog i've seen. A little romance, YA, UF, Sci-FI, Fantasy and other genres. Great haul.

    Books of Love

  14. All I need to say is The King!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. SO jealous of Killer Instinct, really looking forward to it since it's definitely my type of book. :) Happy reading and thanks for stopping by mine earlier!

  16. What a great haul! I have been wanting to read Infinite Sky, hope you enjoy! :D Thanks for stopping by. :)

  17. Nice haul! A lot of these are new to me. I still have to catch up on the BDB series so I haven't bought The King yet. I just followed you on Bloglovin. I thought I was following you already. LOL

  18. The Suddenly Royal cover looks sooo cute. And I'm curious about Breakable. Have a happy reading week!

  19. Suddenly Royal's cover is so cute. And, I'm curious about Breakable. Have a happy reading week!

  20. You got a lot of great books this week! I hope you enjoy them! Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    Brittany @ Spare Time Book blog

  21. Great haul! I'm really excited to read Killer Instinct!

  22. This is an awesome haul! The Summer I Saved the World looks really good. I can't wait to read Breakable as I loved Easy.

    Thanks for stopping by and happy reading :)

  23. You got some awesome books :) The King, breakable and Broken Hearts, fences and other things to mend are all on my wishlist :) I hope you enjoy all your books!!! Happy Reading!

  24. Great STS! I've been wanting to read Broken Hearts Fences And Other Things To Mend. Thanks for dropping by my STS!

  25. Suddenly Royal sounds good, hope you enjoy!

  26. A lot of these I haven't seen. Suddenly Royal looks really cute! I love Lu's series, but don't have the books, so thanks for the giveaway and for stopping by my STS!

    Tressa @ Tressa's Wishful Endings

  27. Fool Me Twice sounds adorable! I love fluffier contemporaries. Maybe Someday was an amazing read, too. It's definitely one of my favorite new adult books ever. I hope you enjoy all of your books :)

  28. Great haul! I can´t wait to read The King.
    Thanks for visiting My Stacking the Shelves

  29. Great haul! Hope you enjoy all of these and thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  30. You got a lot of good books. Thanks for stopping by the blog!

  31. Great haul! I am beyond jealous that you have Breakable, dying to get my hands on that one. I hope you enjoy your books :) My STS.

  32. Wow, it looks like you've got the whole kit and caboodle here--just look at all those booklings! What I wouldn't give to get my hands on Breakable or Maybe Someday or Finding Cinderella or SO many of the other books you've swept up in your collective arms this week. Loving the haul!

    Happy Reading;)

  33. Suddenly Royal and The King are both on my TBR. Hope you like(d) them! Sorry for the late visit.
