15 April 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Bookish Things (That Aren't Books) That I'd Like To Own

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.

Top Ten Bookish Things (That Aren't Books) That I'd Like To Own (new bookshelves, bookends, cool bookmark, a bookish shirt, etc.).
- A trip to Forks!

- The entire collection of Gorjuss!
- A laser keyboard.
- To go to Hogwarts!

- A cute comfortable pillow for long nights full of reading.
- A phone case. Preferably the one I am posting.
- Bookshelves that make a statement.
- A quote on the wall that, also, makes a statement.
- A personal reading nook with a view, of course!
- A tattoo with my favorite line from a book.


  1. Y'alls list looks a lot like mine! Which of course means y'all have GREAT taste lol Great list!!!

    Here's My TTT

  2. I love that READ bookshelf. What a fun idea!

  3. Um, I just bought that iPhone case while perusing Etsy for inspiration for my post.

    I love that Read bookshelf too. It's adorable.

    Check out my TTT and current giveaways!

  4. Great list!YES, I want to go Hogwarts too! I also want my own personal book nook, I am desperate for one of those... especially one with a view. Here's my TTT.

  5. Great lists! I have to be honest- I wouldn't mind going to Forks. I mean, you know. If I had the chance.... :)

  6. Love love love the wall sticker, that is something I definitely could invest in that right now for above my bookcases!

    Ashley @ The Quiet Concert
