08 April 2014

Waiting on Wednesday: Love and Other Foreign Words by Erin McCahan

Waiting on Wednesday

"Waiting On Wednesday" is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking The Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Love and Other Foreign Words
Author: Erin McCahan
Release Date: May 1st 2014
Publisher: Dial

Perfect for fans of John Green and Rainbow Rowell, Love and Other Foreign Words is equal parts comedy and coming of age--a whip-smart, big-hearted, laugh-out-loud love story about sisters, friends, and what it means to love at all.

Can anyone be truly herself--or truly in love--in a language that's not her own?

Sixteen-year-old Josie lives her life in translation. She speaks High School, College, Friends, Boyfriends, Break-ups, and even the language of Beautiful Girls. But none of these is her native tongue--the only people who speak that are her best friend Stu and her sister Kate. So when Kate gets engaged to an epically insufferable guy, how can Josie see it as anything but the mistake of a lifetime? Kate is determined to bend Josie to her will for the wedding; Josie is determined to break Kate and her fiancé up. As battles are waged over secrets and semantics, Josie is forced to examine her feelings for the boyfriend who says he loves her, the sister she loves but doesn't always like, and the best friend who hasn't said a word--at least not in a language Josie understands.


  1. You had me at John Green and Rainbow Rowell!! This sounds fantastic Thanks for sharing!!

    New Follower!


  2. I haven´t heard of this book before but it sounds good. thanks for sharing.
    Thanks for visiting My WOW

  3. This one is new to me but ti sounds really good! Actually I've heard some really good things about I Now Pronounce You Someone Else. Hope you'll get this one soon. Great pick :)

    Tanja @ Ja čitam, a ti?

  4. Aaah, this one sounds super good!
    Thanks for stopping by at my blog earlier :)

  5. First I've heard of this. Sounds really interesting. Adding to to my TBR list.

    My WOW

  6. *Adds book to TBR* This book sounds AWESOME! Thanks for sharing! And YES! I will definitely be there for the blog party..I'm excited!!

    Xoxo. Alexis @ Lexi Swoons

  7. I'm excited for this one too. I enjoyed the author's previous novel and this one sounds even better.

  8. Great pick! This looks like something I would enjoy, so thanks for sharing!

  9. This one is new for me. What? Perfect for fans of John Green and Rainbow Rowell. Well, I will read this book for sure =)
    Thanks for sharing and for stopping by.

  10. Adding to the TBR pile, sounds like an interesting read!
