06 May 2014

Blog Tour: There Will Come a Time | Carrie Arcos | Review | Giveaway

Welcome to our stop on THERE WILL COME A TIME tour for Carrie Arcos. This tour is hosted by Book Nerd Tours. Today we share our 4 star review and much more.

There Will Come a Time
Author: Carrie Arcos
Reading Level: Young Adult
Genre: Science Contemporary
Released: April 15th 2014
Review Source: Blog Tour | Simon Pulse

Mark knows grief. Ever since the accident that killed his twin sister, Grace, the only time he feels at peace is when he visits the bridge on which she died. Comfort is fleeting, but it’s almost within reach when he’s standing on the wrong side of the suicide bars. Almost.

Grace’s best friend, Hanna, says she understands what he’s going through. But she doesn’t. She can’t. It’s not just the enormity of his loss. As her twin, Mark should have known Grace as well as he knows himself. Yet when he reads her journal, it’s as if he didn’t know her at all.

As a way to remember Grace, Hanna convinces Mark to complete Grace’s bucket list from her journal. Mark’s sadness, anger, and his growing feelings for Hannah threaten to overwhelm him. But Mark can’t back out. He made a promise to honor Grace—and it’s his one chance to set things right.

*sigh* This one is hard to write. How can one possibly write about grief? When this alone is hard to let go of, let alone explain.

When someone loses a loved one, There Will Come a Time in life that one must learn to move on without them. When and how is the mystery. Mark has lost his twin sister, Grace, in a car accident. Mark and Grace were very close. As in, C-section holding hands delivery and knew each other thoughts, kind of closeness. With his loss, Mark is having a hard time dealing his second chance at life and moving on. See, while his sister died instance at the car accident, he walked out with few bruises. He feels guilty and he doesn't know what to do with his life.

We all cope in different ways in many aspects, such as grief. Mark must learn this. Since he is having such a hard time coping, he is pushing everyone away. He doesn’t believe the people surrounding him feel the same way has he is. After all, HIS twin sister is gone. No one knows her better than he does. And no one knows how to miss her the way he misses her. Until he starts reading Grace’s journal… he discovers Grace has flaws too and she isn’t the person that he believed he known.

There Will Come a Time is a beautiful story about learning to cope and living the life that was gifted for the second time. At times, to move on, one must learn to forgive and accept that life is unfair yet beautiful.  There Will Come a Time is painfully sweet.

Carrie Arcos is a National Book Award Finalist for Young People’s Literature for OUT OF REACH. She lives in Los Angeles with her family. THERE WILL COME A TIME will be available May 6, 2014. You can find more about her at carriearcos.com

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Giveaway is open to International. | Must be 13+ to Enter 

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