05 May 2014

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

It's Monday! What are you reading is hosted by Book Journey. Each week we spotlight the books we are reading, planning on reading or just finished reading.


Currently Reading:

Next in Line:

Note: Next In Line books are subject to change.

Tell Us What You Are Reading or Just Finished! 
Comment Below!!


  1. Oh, I have some copies of these books (like Renegade, 17 First Kisses, and others) but all these books look really good, I hope everyone enjoyed them!!! Happy reading!

  2. Will have to check out some of these. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Some interesting looking books there. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  4. Siren's Song looks awesome! I just love the cover of it. I hope you're liking your reads this week :)
    Here's my It's Monday! Post
    -Kimberly @ Turning the Pages

  5. I've been seeing We Were Liars all over the place. I hope it was a great read for you!
