03 May 2014

Stacking the Shelves: 5/4/14 + Giveaway

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by  Tynga's Reviews

For Review: (physical copies)


For Review: (NetGalley, Edelweiss, Audiobooks, First to Read)



(Shannon's new books)

Here at OUaT we love to share with everyone the books that we love. And we happen to have an extra copy of AFTER THE END by Amy Plum that we want YOU to have. One really neat thing about AFTER THE END is that you will notice when you begin reading the story, that Plum created "The Yara". It has nothing to do with my name, it's actually really cool what "The Yara" is in the book. But it was interesting to read my name as an object and not a person, lol. OUaT is a stop during the AFTER THE END blog tour on 5/7. Happy Reading!

Giveaway open to US residents only.


  1. Lots of amazing books :D I also have Sleep No More; can't wait to read it. I hope you will love them all. <3 Happy reading :)

  2. The Bone Season is one that has been out that I've been waiting to read! I'm so intrigued by the idea and the fact that it's sort of "new adult-ish"...I hope you enjoy it!

  3. All those books look wonderful! Enjoy them! Have a great week!

  4. Great books for you this week and so many! I hope you enjoy them!
    Brittany @ Spare Time Book blog
    My WW: http://sparetimebookblog.blogspot.com/2014/05/stacking-shelves.html

  5. Pretty awesome pile there, I got a few of the same. I need to look up Now or Never though.

  6. I'm so jealous of your pile! Great books this week :)

  7. Great haul! Hope you enjoy them and thanks for stopping by my blog.

  8. Lots of amazing reads, so many dystopian, I hope you love them!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  9. I wasn't impressed by Take but hopefully you have better luck with it! Enjoy all your books.

  10. Awww Shannon is so cute! Love all of the new books that you guys got. I started reading Love Letters to the Dead recently and really like it so far. Thanks for stopping by!

  11. Oh wow! What a haul! Thanks for stopping by my SP & STS earlier! Hope you have a great week!

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  12. Oo cool, is that the paperback of Bone Season for review? I still need to read that one! So many books :D

  13. So many amazing books! I hope you enjoy them :D
    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier!

    El @ So Bookalicious

  14. Great new books, I hope you enjoy them all! I really enjoyed After the End and yes, The Yara was definitely something cool in the book!

  15. So many amazing books. I like the picture of Yara holding the books. Hope you enjoy all the awesomeness. Great Giveaway.

    Books of Love

  16. Oh wow you've got a lot f books! I'm impressed! I haven't read a Jamie McGuire novel in ages!
    Thanks for sharing :) I hope you enjoy all of your books!
    My Monday post
    Juli @ Universe inWords

  17. AHHH SO jealous of Free To Fall, can't wait to get my hands on that one! I really need to get a copy of The Bone Season too. I read Sleep No More which I enjoyed though it did have issues. Hope you enjoy them all if/when you get around to them! :) Thanks for stopping by mine earlier.

  18. Wow, nice! This is a lot of awesome books! Hope you enjoy, thanks for stopping by. :)

  19. Wow so many books for review! Is there a way anybody can request? I am a booktuber, blogger, and avid reader who would love to!

  20. Ahh, what a great haul! I've been meaning to read Taken for ages, and seeing Frozen is out just keeping reminding me. :) I'm also SO excited to read After the End and Sleep No More!

    Have a great week!
    Rachel @ Paper Cuts

  21. Great haul. After the End is one I'm excited for- so thanks for the giveaway too! My STS

  22. Woah, those are a lot! Happy reading! Taken! <3

  23. Oh wow, impressive haul much?! Aaaand I feel the jealousy blooming in my soul;) Have a fun time with these books, looks like you have FANTASTIC reads ahead of you!

  24. Frozen, Taken, The Bone season.....What an amazing haul you had here! Sorry for the very late visit!
